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a little bit lonely..

Guest heidin

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Guest heidin

Hi all, thought i'd give this site a try as like some of you am missing all my mates in the UK and am having trouble meeting people here. I arrived in March'06 and met a lovely ozzie bloke after a couple of months, we are getting married in sept, he has a lot of mates but I need some girly friends to go out with! Would love to here from anyone 26+.

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Guest helenandmatt

Hiya luv.


Well you are definitely not alone in the missing girlie mates front...i know that feeling too. I am Helen (27) here with my welsh fella. living in Scarb. Give me a text and lets go out for a glass of wine (or several) in touch with a couple of people on this site that i could try to get out too.....number is 0432065122

Helen x

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Guest Sarah+2

Don't be down we all get like that from time to time! My best advice is don't watch anything with Hugh Grant in!! I watched Love Actually and boo hooed my eyes out!! I live in the country six hours from Perth so meeting up would be difficult but if you want to chat just pm me, that would be really lovely!


Good luck with the wedding!!



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Guest emsandcraig

Hi guys

were always up for meeting new folk too, we have kids but don't let that put you off as my folks live here now so can get baby sitter when we need one!!!!

Let us know if you arrange any meet ups, would love to come along

Ems (28) and Craig (29) x

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Guest helenandmatt

have you guys all seen the meet up (bbq) on 15th june...posted on this website...could be a good opportunity for us all to meet!

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