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flights down under

Guest potters

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Guest potters

Hi, Myself, husband and little boy will be moving to Perth end of september. I've heard you can get cheaper flights if you book through the oz goverment, just wondered if anyone else had done this. We're going to mandurah, any families moved there recently?

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Guest The.Colebecks
Hi, Myself, husband and little boy will be moving to Perth end of september. I've heard you can get cheaper flights if you book through the oz goverment, just wondered if anyone else had done this. We're going to mandurah, any families moved there recently?



Hello & Welcome :D


I personally haven't heard about any flights throught the Oz Government but it may be useful to do a search through google or on this forum to see if anyone else has posted about this.

Good luck.


Kind regards

Karen & Co

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