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Diabetic Health Care

Guest lorraine1627

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Guest lorraine1627



We are just waiting to go for medicals then hopefully be in perth in the New Year. My 14 year old son is a type 1 diabetic he is insulin dependant. Could you please let me know if anyone has been in the same situation and what the health care for diabetics is in Perth, how do you obtain the insulin is there a cost and is it easy to register with a doctor.


Did you have any problems with the medicals?


Hope to hear soon




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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest mart_hay

Hi Lorraine,

I'm sorry I cannot be any help to you at present as we have just completed TRA forms ready to be sent this

week so are way behind you , we have a daughter who is 13 who has type 1 diabetes , so maybe you will be able to help us when you have more information.

We travelled to Oz in Apr/May for a month on a rekkie and stayed with friends who knew someone who entered oz with a pre-existing medical condition which didn't affect the medical to get in to Oz however they took out a private health insurance which was not very expensive.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Bobcat


We are just waiting to go for medicals then hopefully be in perth in the New Year. My 14 year old son is a type 1 diabetic he is insulin dependant. Could you please let me know if anyone has been in the same situation and what the health care for diabetics is in Perth, how do you obtain the insulin is there a cost and is it easy to register with a doctor.


Did you have any problems with the medicals?


Hope to hear soon





Diabetics are well catered for in Australia. I am a member of the National Diabetes Services scheme (NDSS). Presenting that membership card at chemists means a huge saving on medication. My test strips for example cost a mere $6-70 for a month's supply whereas without that card they would cost me almost $40.


If you write to Diabetes Australia. GPO 9824 in whatever Capital City in Australia your destination is? They will no doubt be able to put you more in the picture. Phone Number is 1300 136 588.


Hope that helps.


good luck.



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