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Pets and Cargo

Guest carlymac

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Guest carlymac

Hi everyone


Just wandered if anyone could help me, I have a cat and wandered if anyone has taken their cat to Perth with them? If you have is it costly?

I was also looking at selling all my stuff and buying new to save on shipping it all over, would anyone advise against this?:eek:

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We brought our cat and it cost about £1,300. We used a company called pets on the move because they had a local franchise near where we lived. They did all the paper work etc. One tip is that Byford Quarantine station isn't that big, and when we enquired for places the first available spot was some 4 months ahead - so book early.


We shipped everything here (used John Masons). For us this was for a few reasons - the stuff we had was pretty good quality or relatively new - no way we'd have got alot for it (or what it was worth) by selling it. We also wanted to avoid panic buying - getting stuff 'cos we neaded it rather than because it was the thing we really wanted (and regretting the purchase when we found something better). Wanting to sit on our savings a bit here in Aus in case of any emergencies. Also the houses are generally much bigger, despite having all our stuff, we still had to buy a car, outdoor furniture etc., We brought our washing mashine and dryer too



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Guest carlymac

Hi Ali

Thanks for your reply, what does that amount you gave me include? how long is the quarantine time? How long does it take to get them over? Also how has the cat adjusted? Do you let him out? Hope you dont mind me asking?

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The £1,300 included everything UK end, flights, fitness to fly certificate. i can't remember how much we paid at this end when we picked her up (sorry). They picked her up at our home and took her to the vet for a fitness to fly cert, they took her to the airport the day after. Becky flew with BA from manchester to Heathrow then with Quantas to perth - as hubby says she probably had more leg room than we did lol. The box she was in when really quite large and fitted her cushion from home. She was in Quarantine 30 days (flight is just the same as it is for us), she's 16 and adapted really well, she just finds somewhere cool when she's warm. She does go outside but doesn't venture far away - but that's more to do with her age than anything else. We're so glad we brought her, it would have been like leaving one of the kids behind.



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Guest carlymac

Did you send her before you left so that you could pick her right up? Do you worry about her chasing the spiders? I feel the same way about my cat, I dont want to leave him as he is a member of our family. How long have you been in Perth now?

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  • 3 years later...

Hi Ali, just reading this post. we've got 5 cats - all indoor British Shorthair. Our baby is only 8 months old and then up to 12 years. We were worried that they were too old but it's encouraging that you took a 16 year old. We are also worrying about spiders etc though.... are we being silly I wonder?!! I'll keep looking around, and may well revisit this thread, thank you, Anita

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