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just saying hello

Guest tannyboo

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Guest tannyboo
:D Hello, Just wanted to say hi, have got so many questions that i dont know where to start. My husband and myself and our 3 children are hoping to gain sponsership in Perth, he is a shuttering carpenter/form work carpenter, has this been successful for anyone else? There that wasnt too scary. Any help is greatfully appreciated. xxxx
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Guest suzy+1

Hi, just want to say hi and welcome tanyaboo, hope you find this site helpful (also the sister site pomsinoz is very good). Im here in perth on a 457 visa-enjoying it so far!

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Guest tannyboo

Thanks for being my 1st reply, how did you choose where to live or was it a case of live near work? I want to be near the beach and a quite suburb, but hubby will need to be near metro/a freeway to get to the city. Any ideas hunni??

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Guest suzy+1

Yes-chose nearest work, im quite close to city but only 10 mins drive to beach 2 mins to freeway. Alot of english settling in up joondalup way but about 40 mins drive from Perth. Anywhere along the coast is really nice. Not heard of any 'bad' areas (oooh except northbridge).

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Guest tannyboo

Thanks for that, just wondering are you married with kids and what are you doing out in Perth? I will have to get a job unfortunatley, very frightening i must say, i work for the NHS here in the UK, as a medical secretary, but really fancy a change. Moving to a new country is a good as time any for a new challenge.

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Guest Den&Eammon
:D Hello, Just wanted to say hi, have got so many questions that i dont know where to start. My husband and myself and our 3 children are hoping to gain sponsership in Perth, he is a shuttering carpenter/form work carpenter, has this been successful for anyone else? There that wasnt too scary. Any help is greatfully appreciated. xxxx




Eammon is also a carpenter and does lots of shuttering/formwork. We're hoping to go to Perth on a state sponsored 176 visa. We've just got through the paper assessment :D and we're waiting for our date to come through for the Vetassess practical - hoping that we get on to the July practicals.


I know what you mean about so many questions..... :eek: :confused:but it is all so exciting at the same time - although I try not to think to far in advance because there is such a long way to go..... I sometimes can't help myself.


Have you started the process yet?



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Guest suzy+1

Hi, im single-its just me and my 3 yr old daughter here. I just fancied a change and as i had already travelled the east coast a few yrs back thought it would be good to come and see the west coast.

Im working as a nurse here.

There seems to be alot of job choices around so should find something new that suits new.

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Guest tannyboo

Hi Denise, that is the way we wanted to get in but it got so hard that sponsor ship was the next best way. Have you decided where in Perth you want to live, i have been researching for a while now, but hubby needs to be near the freeway to travel to the city but i want to be in a quite suburb near the beach also do you have a house to see in UK. I am trying not to get my hopes up but like you say its hard not to. Positivity rules..

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Guest Den&Eammon
Hi Denise, that is the way we wanted to get in but it got so hard that sponsor ship was the next best way. Have you decided where in Perth you want to live, i have been researching for a while now, but hubby needs to be near the freeway to travel to the city but i want to be in a quite suburb near the beach also do you have a house to see in UK. I am trying not to get my hopes up but like you say its hard not to. Positivity rules..




We've have completed our state sponsorship form in anticipation of getting through the Vetassess practical so that hopefully we can send it off straight away. We have put Perth Metro our our preferred area, because we were thinking this would be a good area with regard to work for Eammon, but we would also like to be not to far away from the coast.


Yes - we do have a house to sell, which in this present climate might take a while, but hopefully things may have picked up by then (see - being really positive!) How about you.


In what way did it get difficult for the 176 Visa?



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