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Stuck on choices for visas for perth

Guest Laz

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Hi All,Guess my big question is does anyone know the best way i can get my foot in the door for oz....I've been on to lots of agencys who having been that helpful to say the least.I was trying for a skilled visa as a landscape gardener but it appears that the pathway for that visa is closed untill july so they say...What i really want to know is how easy is it to get work in parth and what are my chances if i get there on a working holiday visa of making it so can live there.I have a friend from new zealand who's there too.Any suggestions??? Thankz for any reply and feel free if ya in same boat Laz;)

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Guest tannyboo

Hello there, my husband tried to go the skilled visa route, but the TRA as it was then, moved the goal posts and become VETASSES, our application got returned and they asked us to redo all references etc, which in its self was a huge job, so we decided to seek sponsorship through a company/agent. We have found a sponsor and are awaiting a contract at the moment (still not getting my hopes up though)!!! once that is done, we start the visa process which again we have a company doing for us, its costly but i think worth it if is all pans out.


Hope this helps you, we are on our way to getting there i hope but again nothing if definate.


Good luck

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