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Due to come to Perth but scared of flying

Guest tinkerbell

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Guest tinkerbell

Has anyone ever been given anything by their doctor that helps. I am due over next month and am petrified of flying, its not just the taking off and landing its the whole thing. I get quite erratic! I will be on my own and dont want to make a fool of myself lol

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I have made the flight many times, and despite my fear of flying, have not once taken medication. As I usually travel with my children, the fear of having a bad reaction to the medication outweighs the actual fear of flying! For me, a couple of single malts before boarding usually does the trick, even at 8 in the morning! Anything you are used to that helps calm your nerves is the best solution. And a good book to keep you busy during the take-off (this is my least favourite part).

Sit in an aisle seat so that you can get up and move around whenever you feel the need to pace. Also, it is worth mentioning to the passenger/s in the next seat that you are a white-knuckle flyer. You will have your own on-demand entertainment system and this is a great help in keeping your mind busy and drowning out the noise of screaming children and snoring grannies. Good movies, games and music to calm you. Don't worry, you will be fine.

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Guest bec36

Hi tinkerball


I'm exactly the same, hate flying, hate the whole thing including the journey there & the whole airport bit!!! Despite that I have flown out to Oz twice in the last two years!! You just have to grin & bear it. I once asked my doctor if they could give me something for flying & she prescribed me valium, although I never actually tried it just had a couple of drinks before the flight instead & a couple on the flight aswell!!


Good luck.



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Guest tinkerbell

Chook - I wish it was simple as having a few whiskeys and a book lol, I physically cant eat, drink or remain calm and go completely eratic. I am quite a quiet person but anyone so much as talks to me while I am in the throws of my fear and they will get it both barrells - I am not pleasant to be around at all. Last time I was on a plane I dont remember doing it but as the plane was taking off I got up and was insisting that I had to get off - Its completely uncontrolable!


I will try the valum I think but then there is the whole thing that these can go one way or the other where you actually end up worse. Oh god, even just thinking about it make me feel physically sick and shake ! lol

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That is pretty horrendous - you poor thing. Perhaps the valium is a better option in your case. If you are going to have to fly a lot, you should consider doing one of the 'Fear of Flying' courses they offer here in Oz. I believe they are very good.

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That is pretty horrendous - you poor thing. Perhaps the valium is a better option in your case. If you are going to have to fly a lot, you should consider doing one of the 'Fear of Flying' courses they offer here in Oz. I believe they are very good.


I googled Fear of Flying UK and there is a whole load of stuff and courses you can do - this is one with BA




Why not try valium before you go - just round the house or think of a stressful situations (check up at the dentist?) and see how it goes?

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I hear you, it's not a nice feeling is it.

When we flew here i stayed awake the whole journey, i never slept once, i didn't even go to the toilet my hands turned white and the seat arm ends deformed in my grip.

Needless to say i had a great time on landing at Perth airport the toilets have never been so busy, it also helped having not slept as my body clock was all A.OK - no jet lag at all.

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Guest tinkerbell

Paulanddeb that whats I am like!!!! Absolutely RIGID, cant go the toilet, if anyone talks to me I snap, I am a nightmare. Its not so bad when your with someone but on my own - I'll make a fool of myself :arghh:


Jamesw - had a little look at the cruises across - so expensive though, thanks for sending the links, certainly food for thought!!!


My other concern is if I get some valium, take to much in a fit of panic and they dont let me through the airport cause I look rotten drug or like I am on drugs, then all the tablets are gone and they send me home, on a flight, with no valium hahahaha, just my luck!!

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Chook - I wish it was simple as having a few whiskeys and a book lol, I physically cant eat, drink or remain calm and go completely eratic. I am quite a quiet person but anyone so much as talks to me while I am in the throws of my fear and they will get it both barrells - I am not pleasant to be around at all. Last time I was on a plane I dont remember doing it but as the plane was taking off I got up and was insisting that I had to get off - Its completely uncontrolable!


I will try the valum I think but then there is the whole thing that these can go one way or the other where you actually end up worse. Oh god, even just thinking about it make me feel physically sick and shake ! lol


Try them before, my sister in laws Dr. only gave her about 5 tablets - one to try before hand and one for each plane journey. The only problem was she put them in a safe place for flying home and had a panic attack when she couldn't find them ... we laugh now, but it wasn't funny at the time

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Guest bec36


When my doc prescribed the Valium for me she only gave me enough to try at home first and for the flights so there wouldn't be enough to take too much!

If you don't fancy that why not try Rescue Remedy or something similar, you can get that from your chemist. Apparently ginger is supposed to help with nerves/anxiety maybe have a look in a health food shop & see if they do something. Different things work for different people, might be worth trying a few different things & see what helps.



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Guest fatmanmo

just an idea but lots of people use hynotherapy for overcoming fears and bad habits, maybe a couple of sessions would help with the anxiety,you may even be able to get an app to listen to if feeling overwhelmed while on the plane, hope it all works out for you

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I am not the best of flyers either - just cannot relax.

I've not tried prescribed medication but i've used rescue remedy and i've read a couple of books on fear of flying which do help a bit.

I've flown to NZ twice so i know i can do it. My husband always reminds me what is waiting for us when we get off the plane which helps and i have found that telling the cabin crew you are a bit of a nervous passenger always helps - they pay you that little bit more of attention and i've even had a member of crew sit with me during turbulence or been moved to sit in the cabin crew seats at the back with them (which was great as they gave me the food for business class instead of the economy meal! lol)


Good luck with everything! :smile:

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Has anyone ever been given anything by their doctor that helps. I am due over next month and am petrified of flying, its not just the taking off and landing its the whole thing. I get quite erratic! I will be on my own and dont want to make a fool of myself lol
I feel for you, I really do as I do not like flying either, but I have 2 kids now so that helps me take my mind of things.Silly question I know, but if you are that scared of flying why are you going to the other side of the world. Lol
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