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What wage can a family of 4 live on in Perth?

Guest Jon&Beth

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Guest Jon&Beth

I know this is a very personal circumstances/depending on lifestyle type of question but we are looking at living in Perth, possibly somewhere like Woodvale.......my husband has a job offer for 100k and we cant decide if this would be ok for an average lifestyle, we would need to rent and hopefully the job will have a company car attached. We currently live off 38k here but we are concerned the cost of living is much higher in Perth than in the North of England.


Any advice appreciated x

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Guest Jon&Beth

Thank you for the reply....I am just trying to get as much information on the cost of living as possible. I understand even though the cost of living is high the wages are also higher so it is all relative......I have found a few breakdowns of costs posted by similiar sized families in similiar areas to where we are hoping to settle so I'm hoping 100k will be ok, its so hard to judge from over here and obviously you wont really know until your living it but you do need to know roughly that you will be ok before making such a big decision, as obviously nobody wants to make the move and end up worse off.


When are you hoping to get out there? What jobs will you be doing?



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Guest Pathfinder

Hi, Personally I think it would be enough but I also think it would depend on how much money you take with you too. Friends of ours said it cost upwards of £20k to move which includes: shipping,House sale and sols in U.k, rental and bonds, vehicle for one?, things you may need for house like BBQ, spare beds (because BBQ's have different gas fittings) school uniform and any other school fees? Flights over there but also funds for potential flights back for emergencies.


I would then think it was down to usual utilities, food bills, petrol, Rentals or mortgage repayments etc. My oh is worried we wouldn't be able to have much of a social life on $80,000 because the rent or mortgage would be higher relatively in Oz and I wouldn't be working initially, there are 3 of us. But I think people manage on much less. What he doesn't want though is that we were in a situation in a few years where we couldn't afford to travel away from perth for a holiday, when you work all year round - we feel as though we want to "go away" for a break/holiday now so I don't think it would be any different for us whereever we were - but everyone's needs are different.

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I think the moving costs are a seperate matter, they are for us. Yes we need to allow about $35k for flying over, settling, buying a half decent car, initial rent etc.

As for day to day living, it's so hard to tell without doing a full Coles online shop to see what it comes to etc.

We will make it work. If I have to do FIFO to get $100k for a few months or do a part time job as well to start I will, but would rather work locally and earn one wage.

As a Telecoms Tech, wages vary SO much it's really hard to work it all out. All I can do is take the minimum I would like to accept, being $70k and go from there and I reckon we should be OK as long as we pick a good but more affordable suburb.

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