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CNC Machinist

Guest vickilb77

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Guest vickilb77



My Husband and i are hoping to move to perth early next year he is a cnc machinist and i was wondering if there were many jobs for him and also what sort of salary he would be able to get any advice would be great.



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Hi Vicki


My OH is a CNC machinist. We are also hoping to be there early next year. We have had a look on seek.com.au and there does seem to be a lot of jobs for this type of work and they all tend to pay the same. The current rate seems to be about $20-$25 dollars an hour, plus overtime, plus super ( whatever that means ) ha. I know that does'nt seem a lot but my OH's wages at the moment is only about £7 an hour so for him it's a bit better, and as he says at least we would have some decent weather out there. We lucky tho cos 4 of us goin out there so there should be 4 wages comin in. If you google jobs in Australia you should find some decent sites. OH just going to look for work wen we get there or we may e-mail a few factories beforehand and see how far we get.


Sorry this is a bit long winded and I have'nt given you much info:confused:.


Keep in touch, and we can tell each other how we're gettin on.


TC Lv Debs xxxxxxxxx

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Guest vickilb77

Hi Debs


Thanks for the info, we are hoping to have visa granted early october and do a reccie in the new year, have you got your visas? cant wait to get out there and see the sun shine!! ive just had an email from another cnc machinist good news he says work is plentiful and expect a salary of around $26/27 upwards and if your willing to work a 50 hour week could earn up to $30 an hour!

What sort of work do you do? and have you been to Perth before?

I would love to know how you get on and i will keep you updated on how we go with things.


Good luck!!


Vicki & Simonxxxxxx

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Hi Vicki


Thats great news. We have'nt got the visas yet just waitin on police checks an meds at the mo. Ain't got the cash to do a reccie just gonna do it blind, so to speak ( if we ever sell the house that is :mad: ). I was working in the Post Office up until 6 months ago, I am now working for my sister as a cleaner, it's hard work but she pays better than the PO and the hours are better. What do you do? Are you going to do the same kind of thing in OZ? Not sure what I want to do out there, just wanna get there. Ha. Have'nt been to perth before but have heard so many wonderful stories about the place, can't wait to find out for myself. Waffling again are'nt I, OH says I talk too much Ha.


I will definately keep in touch and let you know how everything is goin. Good luck with the reccie and don't forget to let us know how you get on.


Lv Debs, Ste & Richard xxxxxxxxxxxxx

40,43 & 24

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Guest emi-great



We have had a couple of CNC machinists in the past year & both easily found work in this area. I am sure your husband will find work easily & I think the wages are fairly good for such work. One of the guys who arrived did tell us that some of the workshops had old machinery though but that worked to his advantage because they were buying new machines & made him up to supervisor!


Maybe you can do your research on the following sites







Good luck with the move




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Hi Eve


That sounds good on the job front. Have tried a few of them sites and they do seem to have plenty of jobs for CNC Machinists ( and even more for cleaners :( ) Ha. Have also had a look at your site and found it very informative and reasonably priced. Well Done!


And thankyou Karen for the welcome.




Debs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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just what emi-great has already said really. I've visited several factories around Perth and on the whole they are way behind with technology. You will have no problem finding a job, even if you fancy a career change. The wages are around the $25 mark plus super, thats for Mon to Friday.

One thing i would recommend to anyone, bring as many references as you can. I contacted all my previous managers and asked them to write me a personal reference which i took along to the interviews. Make sure you include their email address so they can contact them. I know this helped me loads.

best of luck.

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Hi Malcs


Thanks for that, it's a good idea to take them with us. Have already got a couple as my OH has'nt actually got any qualifications or certificates in this line of work even though he has done the job for over 25 years. To get our visa we had to get Statutory Declarations from each of his previous employers to say he could use all these machines and had trained other employees on how to use them ( in excruciatingly minute detail :(). You would'nt believe the nightmare we had with all this but it worked out ok in the end.


Thanks again though for your input.


Take Care


Debs xx

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Hi Malcs


Once again thanks for your info. It sounds like OH won't have too much trouble finding work, and that leaves me to be a lady of leisure! Ha. If only. How long have you been in oz, and most importantly are you enjoying it? Nosy are'nt I:rolleyes:. Soz.


Keep in touch and Take Care ( who knows one day OH could be coming to a factory near you :eek:) LOL


Lv Debs xxxxxxxx

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Debs, ask as many questions as you wish, might regret saying that!

We arrived in January this year and yes enjoying life so far. Had a few issues with 16yr old son but getting there hopefully.

Have you got an area in mind? We are in Kinross which is a nice area but a distance to where most of the factories are located. You will find a number jobs for your OH will be in the Kewdale/Welshpool region. Not to say you won't find jobs elsewhere. Malage is another area you will find work in that field.

BTW cleaners earn good money from what i've seen, somebody will put me right i'm sure.

When do you plan on getting here, or is it all down to your house selling? A couple of people i know came out here without selling their house first, still on the market.

Have a good weekend,


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Hi Malcs


Hoping to get there by Feb next year. Might just have to rent our flat out if we don't sell. Just have to go to Oz with next to nothing ( so no change there then ) Ha. Will prob just rent anywhere wen we first get there and then see where we get the work and then probably kill each other deciding where we actually stay:rolleyes:. Glad you're enjoyin it there it's nice to hear the positive rather than the negative. Just had a look on the map so I know where some areas are now.


Hope you have a great weekend.




Lv Debs xxxxxxxxx

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