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how much??

Guest vickilb77

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Guest vickilb77



My oh and i have been discussing how much utility bills will be each month we have decided on $1000 a month is this enough? also when we have been looking at real estate a house worth say $400.000 is saying great for first time buyers how can a first time buyer afford that or are we missing something ??


Vicki & Simon

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Maria

HI Vicki, Simon............First Homebuyers get a few concessions, hence the advertising on $400k. Prices are easing off, but it is still a nightmare for First time Buyers. If you want more details on costings and concessions etc etc, feel free to PM either myself, or email mandy.dickerson@mortgagechoice.com.au .

You are pretty spot on with your budget, things are getting much more expensive over here, but the lifestyle is excellent Good luck with the move, and hope it all works out for you............Maria :)



My oh and i have been discussing how much utility bills will be each month we have decided on $1000 a month is this enough? also when we have been looking at real estate a house worth say $400.000 is saying great for first time buyers how can a first time buyer afford that or are we missing something ??


Vicki & Simon

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  • 2 months later...
Guest emi-great



Some areas have homes cheaper than $400,000 now & I think its probably a good time to buy if you can manage it because the market is a buyers market which may change once the interest rate has dropped.


Depending on where you plan to live you would need to look at different suburbs in the general area to find the cheaper homes. Not all suburbs where homes are cheap are bad places... often here in the south theyre just not near the beach or they are new suburbs with less amenities. But if you can drive this isnt really a problem

check out these sites






Good luck with the move



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Guest Kym_and_James

For gas, electricity, water and council rates we budget $230/month. Seems to be working for us so far. What else you including in utilities? I have a very comprehensive budget that covers EVERYTHING we spend for the whole year. :)

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Guest beaversdiva
For gas, electricity, water and council rates we budget $230/month. Seems to be working for us so far. What else you including in utilities? I have a very comprehensive budget that covers EVERYTHING we spend for the whole year. :)

Hi, what do you budget for healthcare? Do you have full cover? We are flying out in oct so not long now! Thanks


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Guest Kym_and_James

Our healthcare is $1150/year for us as a couple and we are both under 30. We are with Medibank Private. It's fairly basic cover but we have cover for things like dental, optical, ambulance, etc. www.medibank.com.au but there are loads of providers to choose from.


These are my bills for the year:


Electricity $140/bimonthly $840/annum

Gas $120/quarter $480/annum

Home Ins. $720/annum

Mobile phones $100/month $1,200/annum

Internet $50/month $600/annum

Astra Ins. $550/annum

Astra Rego $380/annum

Uni fees/bks $800/quarter $3,200/annum

Smartrider $100/fortnight $2,340/annum

Gym$50/month $600/annum

Council rates $850/annum

Water rates $576/annum

Health Insurance $96/month $1,152/annum

Pet Insurance $45/month $540/annum

Income protection $96/month $1,152/annum

Total $15,180


Obviously a few things like public transport (Smartrider above), gym and university fees will vary for you. ;)

We don't have a home phone either, our internet is wireless from 3 mobile. We also have foxtel (Sky) which isn't on there but that varies from $40-$110/month depending on which plan you have.

Also, Astra is our car and it costs $60/week to run it on go-juice. My partner does about 50km/day in it.

Our council rates are one of the cheaper ones I believe, I've seen some over $1000 in "nicer" areas... ;)

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