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Moving to Perth Sept/Aug, any advice on good schools?

Guest Rob's mob

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Guest Rob's mob

Hi, my wife & I are moving to Perth in approximately 6-8 weeks. The whole process has been a bit of a blur so far, with much of the emphasis on getting myself a job with sponsorship. This has now been achieved, and our migration officer seems to think we'll be over pretty quickly.


We are looking for a starting point to begin a search of places to live/schools etc. Ultimately the place we live will be dictated by schools for our 7 year old son, can anyone recommend any particular state schools, or indeed any schools to avoid?


We also have a 13 month old daughter, so any advice about toddler groups/nurseries would be a huge help.


Perth here we come,



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Guest mad.chef

Where will you be based for you work? We live NOR in Ashby and my 7 year old son goes to Tapping school. My husband works in Como and it takes him 30 minutes to get to work. We like the area alot and have settled really well here.



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Guest Rob's mob



I'll be based in Perth CBD, but am happy to have a reasonable commute of upto 3/4 of an hour. There is such a vast choice of suburbs, that we really need some sort of starting point to begin our search. With regards to your 7 year old son, did you have any problems getting him enrolled, and how did he find settling into a new school in a new country?





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Guest mad.chef



We luckily had been here before even though it was 14 years ago so we knew NOR and felt comfortable with it. When we arrived we intitially looked at Butler as an area to live but my husband thought it was just that little bit too far as he didn't know where he would be working and didn't want to travel more than 30 minutes.


My son has settled into school fantastically even though he is quite shy and we thought that we would have problems with him, he actually asked when he would be starting school. There should be no problems with enrolment, as long as you live in the suburb, either renting or owning they have to accept you. The only thing I would say is if you are concerned about which high school they get into, seriously look into starting in an area with a better high school. We come under Wanneroo high school and I have heard nothing but bad reports from people who have to send their kids there. The only other choice is to pay for a private school which is still sometimes over subscribed and difficult to get into.


Feel free to ask any questions.



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Guest Rob's mob



I don't suppose Tapping school has a website, we are struggling to get any info on schools, unlike in the UK.


What is the public transport like in Ashby, we've heard it can be excellent in some suburbs, whilst in others non-existent.


Also, sorry to change the subject, my wife is a nail technician, which is a booming market in the UK, is there much call for this in WA?





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Guest Ex Yorky Pom
Sarah' date='


I don't suppose Tapping school has a website, we are struggling to get any info on schools, unlike in the UK.


What is the public transport like in Ashby, we've heard it can be excellent in some suburbs, whilst in others non-existent.


Also, sorry to change the subject, my wife is a nail technician, which is a booming market in the UK, is there much call for this in WA?






All the areas have there own schools as well as doctor dentist even vets. We are in Somerly previously Connolly and have heard good reports about schools but you have to look at other aspects such as travel that one aspect that was a big change for us the concept of travelling distances in the uk we worked and lived local but oh a nurse and i travel to work. One thing I have noticed the kids at the senior schools wear school uniform even the senior ones



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Guest mad.chef
Sarah' date='


I don't suppose Tapping school has a website, we are struggling to get any info on schools, unlike in the UK.


What is the public transport like in Ashby, we've heard it can be excellent in some suburbs, whilst in others non-existent.


Also, sorry to change the subject, my wife is a nail technician, which is a booming market in the UK, is there much call for this in WA?








Public transport i'm not sure about as I drive, where we live we would probably have to walk 10 minutes to Wanneroo Road and then catch a bus from there. There may be a website showing local bus routes but off hand I don't know one, I will have a look later though.


Tapping doesn't have its own website but you can get a lot of info for schools from the government website which is : wwwhttp://www2.eddept.wa.edu.au/schoolprofile/home.do


My other child who is 4 goes to Kindy at Hocking School, this is also a very nice school and she loves it there. They go to different schools as Kindy is not compulsory and I couldn't get her into Tapping but I am hoping she will get in for next year for Pre Primary.


As for Nail technicians being much called for here I am not sure, I know they seem to have quite a few nail salons that I have seen especially in Whitford City shopping centre.



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These are web addresses for the local schools in the north metro area eg. butler, clarkson, mindarie, quinns that sort of area.


the first 3 links are high schools and the next one is a primary school and the last one i could on find a email address for someone at the school but that is also a primary.

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Guest guest1228


Have a look at aussiemove.com, lots of school info and links to individual school websites on there. From my research if you can afford it Woodvale looks a good suburb with excellent primary and high schools too.

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Although he is only 7, he'll be in High School in 4 years time so I would start with those if you can live anywhere. Best Govt High Schools - Rossmoyne and Willeton south of river, and Shenton College and Churchlands North of river. Look at their catchment areas - they should have websites, and then see if you can afford property near them.

Failing that, if you are Catholic, try the Catholic primary schools as they feed in tot eh High Schools - whcih are very diffcult to get into unless you a re at a feeder. Cath. schools are priavte here - but cheaep - $4000 a year.


Nail places are popping up all over the place. They seem to have really taken off so wife should be OK for work.

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