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Wishing to be in Perth

Guest Stormin

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Guest Stormin

Hi guys, just discovered this forum and it looks good, so I thought I would sign up and share.


A few details about us, we have two under ten kids living in the UK. We have finally decided to make the first steps in trying to get into OZ. Looked into the visa situation but sadly we don't qualify, so I have been contacting companies via email with no success at all.


I went to an expo here and spoke to two interested parties and had an interview, they mentioned FIFO which took me off guard, but the chap I spoke to said with skills/ experience I have, there would be no problem getting sponsored, beginning to have doubts now though.


I have booked a flight for the beginning of Oct for two weeks to attend possible interviews, see schools, housing etc.


Obviously I have a number of questions, but at the moment I face two big ones.....


Firstly has anyone any experience in trying to get job interviews via the web with success? Or am I barking up the wrong tree? Any means to get appointments set up?


Secondly, we have friends in Kal who are hoping to be living in Perth before I arrive and therefore will put me up for my stay, but failing that I would need some accomodation, where or who is good to contact to book?


All advice will be most welcome, thank you

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backpackers, gumtree, stayz to look for holiday accommodation.


Sponsorship is difficult sometimes as the company has to demonstrate that they haven't been able to fill the vacancy with someone from Australia - as VS said, it will depend on your skills and experience and wether yours can be met from the existing Australian worksforce or not.

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There was an article in the paper here just recently that mining companies are struggling to fill FIFO positions, so this is possibly why that was mentioned to you. It's where the money is but can be hard on a family just settling in to a new country with little or now network of family or friends. Also depending on the mine you work for at depends on the roster. FMG I think is the most family friendly as they do 8 days on and 6 off. There's not too many others around that offer that sort of roster.


As for accommodation, you might want to look at backpackers as well because as Verystormy said, you will have to sell a kidney to pay for a hotel room in Perth as they have become very expensive.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Stormin

Hi guys, thank you for your kind replies. Been having Internet issues of late hence over due reply.


I currently work in the oil/chemical storage facility with over 10 yrs experience but for the last year have been promoted in the health & safety department and that is the kind of work I am looking for. I have two nebosh certificates, one in general H&S and a International cert in oil and gas.



I have been applying for various jobs and agencies, still as yet have had no replies, is this common to happen?


Was hoping to make some contacts to visit when I arrive but at this rate it looks like I will be cold calling companies, does anyone have any experience in this tactic and is it worth while/ welcome by employers?

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