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How long???

Guest vickilb77

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Guest vickilb77



Just wanted to ask if anybody knows how long it will take to get a CO we lodged our application online on the 7/06/08 (175 visa) and do they priorities certain visa applications ??

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We lodged our application in April 08 and still waiting, we were advised 6 months for CO, then we should recieve requests for medicals etc. (Hopefully!)


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Guest coyote111

Hi there,


You are going to be waiting quite a while. They are currently processing applicants from November 07.


I had mine submitted on 03/03/08 and still think i will have to wait 2 or 3 months.


Back im April my agent told me they were taking 6 - 9 months to process by May i was told they are now taking 9 - 12 months to process. The new visa allocation was issued at the start of July 08 and hopefully things should speed up again.


I know it can be a pain putting your life on hold waiting for your visa but i guess that is just part of the process.


If i can give you some advise decide where about's you want to live look at rental costs and the costs to buy a house once you have settled down. Check out standard of livng and such things as fuel prices etc.


Last time i looked petrol was 70p a litre.




Just wanted to ask if anybody knows how long it will take to get a CO we lodged our application online on the 7/06/08 (175 visa) and do they priorities certain visa applications ??

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Guest NeilSari


We lodged our subclass 175 Visa (paper) application early Oct07 and are still waiting for a CO to be allocated.


Best of luck



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Guest conehead

Panic we got our visas today!!! AArrgh!! 7th july 2008 subclass 136 skilled independant, did TRA in april 07 submitted visa app on 27 august 07, police checks , then got a case officer in may 08. Susequent medicals (only outstanding issue) on june 4th, visas july 7th!!!! used Immigration solutions australia ( www.isa.com.au) and was very impressed with Noelene merrey and her staff. Would recommend especially if you are getting close to the cut off age and dont want to risk DIAC rejecting you forms. Over the moon and have a job lined up at perth airport Hurrah, just got to sell the house now...........DOH!! been on market since march? any takers?


Hope this gives some help to people who are still waiting as nothing seems to happen for ages .then blam !! case officer, visa.


would be grateful for info on how to play next steps, employers removals etc. fortunately my partner s parents live part time in hillarys so we have some help.


Pass the champers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Paul the conehead

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest coyote111

Heah there.


I know the waiting process can be a real pain. It looks like they are currently processing visa applicants up to 21st November 07. So you could be waiting another month


If send a blank email to the following address it will tell you processing times. In case you did not know




My visa was submitted March 08 so at least you are ahead of me.

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Heah there.


I know the waiting process can be a real pain. It looks like they are currently processing visa applicants up to 21st November 07. So you could be waiting another month


If send a blank email to the following address it will tell you processing times. In case you did not know




My visa was submitted March 08 so at least you are ahead of me.


175 visa applied for on the 29th January 2008, visa granted 29th July 2008.

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Guest coyote111
175 visa applied for on the 29th January 2008, visa granted 29th July 2008.



I am impressed that you got your visa in 6 months. Can i ask do you already have a job lined up and if so did that speed things up ?


Just out of interest what field do you work in.


I work in Information Technolgy.


Have you got a date when you are moving out to Perth yet ?

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I am impressed that you got your visa in 6 months. Can i ask do you already have a job lined up and if so did that speed things up ?


Just out of interest what field do you work in.


I work in Information Technolgy.


Have you got a date when you are moving out to Perth yet ?


I am a mobile phone engineer and my wife is a teacher. We have nothing lined up, just going to sell the house car and a limb..ok maybe not a limb, and then go to Perth and star from scratch.


If we can sell the house, we are hoping to depart at the end of October

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Guest NeilSari

Hi everyone


Received e-mail from CO last week - Misery! We have narrowly missed out on the 175 pass so we currently are currently sitting in the pool.

So...our next route is sub-class 457 - (teacher sponsored by WA DET). I have recently (this week) completed the Preliminary Qualifications Assessment form with docs etc. and await the next phase where they contact my referees.


Interviews take place in towards the end of October (in Leeds). If I am successful from this point, does anyone know what happens next? What time scale are we looking at?


The WA DAT website states that the 457 Visa application takes 4-8 weeks for processing. I spoke to the recruitment officer who was very helpful , and who said that the successful candidates from the current group being processed would be expected to start July09!!! Very frustrating indeed.


Also, I am aware that one of the conditions of the sponsorship is that you accept the rural / remote placement that they give you. In reality, and if you have been through this process, just how much say did you get in your final location?


We've looked at the 176, which requires a lower pass score, but the WA Dept. for Education and Training have a sponsorship process in place only through the 457 route. As a secondary school teacher, the 176 route would only be an option if I were sponsored by an independent or church school, not a state school. I have spoken to a recruiting agent (SMART Teachers) for non-state institutions; they said it was unlikely that whilst independent schools did sometimes offer jobs on the basis of a telephone interview, they were not likely to offer sponsorship as well. However, this is a line I will follow, until the 'not likely' is replaced by a 'No'!


If you know of any other angle I might take with the 175 / 176 visa or the 457, I would be grateful for your advice


Many thanks



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