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migrating with a teenager- help please

Guest lesley

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Guest lesley

we are hoping to come over by 2009 when my daughter is 16 and has finished her GCSEs. She has been to Perth twice with us and likes it but does not want to live there due to her percieved lack of things she has interest in-.i.e. pop/rock concerts, fashion etc,she is also very upset to think she has to leave her friends behind.

We are moving to the northern suburbs as have family around kinross etc. Can you tell me if the schools and kids are welcoming to new british kids and if she is likely to find friendships there? She is outgoing and bright but also a typical teenager- worried about her appearance and being cool!

any advice would be greatfully recieved . thanks, Lesley


p.s. my 13 year old son cant wait to come over!:P:Rofl:

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Guest butterflysand

Hi Lesley,

I do know how you feel. We came over with our 3 girls, aged 17, 14 and 8. The younger 2 couldn't wait, yet the eldest thought it was a form of child abuse!! We were the worst parents ever, according to her! We had made her leave her friends, family and the love of her life(!). We had to drag her on the plane. We've now been here for nearly 8 months, and she's feeling a lot happier. Its the starting from scratch thats hard. My 17 yr old didn't believe me when I said you lose contact with a lot of school friends once you're not with them at school, but she knows it true. She's made some friends and has a new love of her life (!)and has a job, so she's getting out and about. Is your daughter going back to school when you get here? If she is, that'll help her settle in.

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Guest lesley

thanks so much for your reply- its something I lie awake worrying about at the moment!

yes she will be going back to school and hopes to go to uni. I will need to look into schools as I have heard quality can vary from suburb to suburb- what are your experiences of this please?


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Guest butterflysand

My eldest one didn't go back to school when we got here. She thought about it, but as she'd left school 6 months before we arrived, she preferred to get a job. We looked at 2 high schools for our middle girl, and as it turned out she's at a school we never considered, and she's doing really well there. The schools do like their catchment areas, so if you find the perfect school, try and get a place in their area. Or you can go private, there's loads of private schools here, and they're a lot cheaper than the UK ones.

I understand the worry, but for us the bottom line was, we're making the move so the kids have a better life.

Once the everyday living starts (you know..... school, work etc....) its easier to settle in.

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We've been here for 7 months and there's 6 of us, me and my husband and 4 children, 17 yr old girl, 15 yr old boy, 10 yr old girl, 8 yr old boy. I've just read your post about migrating with a teenager, and told my 17 yr old daughter and she said pass my email on, so here it is xxjdkissxx@hotmail.co.uk . She says she'll chat to your daughter and give her any advice or opinions on living here, by the way we live at Kinross.

She's working, she said she didn't want to go back to school so she got a job. Anyway I'll let her talk to your daughter.

All the best Jane.:D:)

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