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Extra Luggage allowance....is it available?

Guest Little Miss Sunshine

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Guest Little Miss Sunshine

Hi all,


Does anyone know if Emirates will allow you to buy some extra luggage allowance or will they just charge you a fortune to every kg that your over? They have given us 30kg as standard, but like most women i do tend to have too much stuff to pack into one case and struggle not to go over the allowance and end up re-packing about 5 times to keep under the weight allowed!! lol:biglaugh: With it not being a holiday, im now thinking how on earth am i going to fit in extra bits that i know i will use like 2-3 coats, extra shoes/boots/ do i take hairdryer/straighteners etc? Im binning quite a bit but some stuff and giving some to charity but there is a clothes and things i just cant leave behind but i already know im going to be over the 30kg and ive not even started yet!!


Maybe ship them over? Oh the dilema!! lol


Kat x

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Hi KittyKatt, as far as I am aware, airline gives allowance for those emigrating. Emirates gives up to 50 kgs. I am leaving soon and flying with Singapore airline and they will double from 20 to 40 kgs, although the ticket indicates only 20kgs. I have called Singapore airlines and was told of their policy. But scary as it was only verbal and not in writing. Phone your airline and double checked.

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Guest bungeeman

Hi we fly tomorrow with Emirates. I have checked and the 50kg allowance used to be something they offered as a matter of course for migrants, but not anymore. Now it's 30kgs per passenger (in cattle class) and the excess baggage is £35 per kilo!

They are offering people opening ANZ bank accounts 50kg luggage allowance (some partner offer in conjunction with them) but you have to be on a one way flight and open this particular account with the bank.


Hope this helps



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Hi KittyKatt, as far as I am aware, airline gives allowance for those emigrating. Emirates gives up to 50 kgs. I am leaving soon and flying with Singapore airline and they will double from 20 to 40 kgs, although the ticket indicates only 20kgs. I have called Singapore airlines and was told of their policy. But scary as it was only verbal and not in writing. Phone your airline and double checked.
We came with Singapore they answered an email that I sent to agree we would get 40kgs. This will not apply if you have validated though its only if your Visa has never been activated. Good Luck x
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We came with Singapore they answered an email that I sent to agree we would get 40kgs. This will not apply if you have validated though its only if your Visa has never been activated. Good Luck x


Also if only if your visa is PR they don't class temporary visa's as emigrating.

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Do some investigation into companies the export unaccompanied baggage. Just Google it and you will find there are companies out there that will take your extra stuff and charge you by the kilo, but it's usually far cheaper than what the airlines charge. All you have to do is present your airline tickets, passports and fill out some paperwork and it should arrive a few days after you. They should advise the company and location where you collect it from at the other end. Here's one mob at Manchester Airports and their prices http://www.excess-baggage.com/?__utma=1.1618258193.1337573214.1337573214.1337573214.1&__utmb=|utmccn=%28organic%29|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=%28not%20provided%29&__utmv=-&__utmk=70603664

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Guest Saints

We flew with Emirates and got 40kg each for the luggage allowance. However we booked our flights with the Immigration department in Canberra who offer discounted fares to people migrating and an extra baggage allowance. However this might be too late for you if you have already booked your flights. The website was iomaustralia@iom.int. They need to see proof of visa etc.

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Guest Claire and Brian

Hi Saints,


That link is an email address not a website. Would it be presumptuous Of me to think you're from Southampton?



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Guest Saints

Claire and Brian


Not Southampton but Northampton. Oh is that because of Saints (Southampton football team) . I named myself that because my husband is a huge Rugby Union Saints supporter. Sorry I knew that was an email address but my fingers typed the wrong thing. Trying to do it too quickly. Sorry.

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I also used the IOM to get the 40kg on an already validated PR visa. This allowance included the children as well as adults so as there are five of us, that will be a nice 200kg.

The tickets were also cheaper than available publiclly also. You can do it through the IOM office in London though May at IOM UK

11 Belgrave Road

London, SW1V 1RB

Direct line: ++44 (0) 2078116098





She was very good but only works part time. You also have to pay for the booking via wire transfer rather than credit card also.


Hope this helps



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Guest Little Miss Sunshine

Hi everyone thanks for all the advice!:biggrin: i did have a look yesterday on the Emirates website and they said for a few different reasons (too early before departure, within 90mins of check in time, emirates arent handiling luggage when changing over flights etc) we cant purchase extra luggage allowance. I would be sooo happy if i could have up to 50kg, id feel better knowing ive got a bit of extra in my case. Although my OH has just pointed out that i would struggle to pull 50kg around the airport haha! ill contact Emirates and see what they advise if not i might just put larger/heavier items in with my OH's tools when he ships them over.



Kat x

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Guest Little Miss Sunshine

Just found this link for the Emirates website incase anyone else is considering extra luggage allowance....i cant beleive the prices...shocked!!:shocked:



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Emirates do offer you 50KG per person but you MUST book using the link that ANZ send you after opening a migrant account with them. This link is only sent to you upon request to ANZ and links your straight through to a special Emirates booking site complete with promotional code.


Im emphasising this because we've just been through a painful process of getting Emirates to add the 50KG after booking because theirs and ANZ's websites were not entirely clear about how to get the increase. I would suggest that you speak to ANZ before you book with Emirates (although it sounds like you might have already booked :err:).


From what I understand Emirates charge 25 pounds person 1KG extra but they also say they discount it via their website so its worth looking at it.


I hope this helps in someway...

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Just found this link for the Emirates website incase anyone else is considering extra luggage allowance....i cant beleive the prices...shocked!!:shocked:




Yes, we worked it out last night for us and got similar figures.

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Guest Little Miss Sunshine

Hi Draecos,


So shocked at the prices! Unfortunately we have already booked our flights and im only on a WHV and as part of my WHV i have a package deal to open up an account with another australian bank so wouldnt qualify with ANZ. It probaly works out chaper for me to ship just the larger/heavier bits that i want to take.


kat x


Yes, we worked it out last night for us and got similar figures.
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Hi Draecos,


So shocked at the prices! Unfortunately we have already booked our flights and im only on a WHV and as part of my WHV i have a package deal to open up an account with another australian bank so wouldnt qualify with ANZ. It probaly works out chaper for me to ship just the larger/heavier bits that i want to take.


kat x


Ah right, no worries. You wouldnt have got it anyway then as it has to be a migrant visa and 1 way.


Best of luck too you. When are you going?

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That's why I suggested shipping extra luggage as unaccompanied baggage if you can't get the extra allowance for free with the airline as it's far cheaper than paying excess baggage and you just have to organise to collect it at the Perth end when it arrives. We have used it and found it extremely efficient. Just make sure you send everything under the one shipment as we sent 2 separate lots and got grilled by customs that we were up to something before deciding to release the goods.

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That's why I suggested shipping extra luggage as unaccompanied baggage if you can't get the extra allowance for free with the airline as it's far cheaper than paying excess baggage and you just have to organise to collect it at the Perth end when it arrives. We have used it and found it extremely efficient. Just make sure you send everything under the one shipment as we sent 2 separate lots and got grilled by customs that we were up to something before deciding to release the goods.


Do you mind tell me how much you sent and how much it cost you please?

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Do you mind tell me how much you sent and how much it cost you please?


I think if you have a look at the link I posted earlier it starts at GBP4.50 per kilo from Manchester Airport. My stuff was going from Dublin to Perth and I have sent goods the other way as well which is where I came unstuck. Even from here I think it's about $10 per kilo to Ireland. Far cheaper than excess baggage charges. Just Google "Unaccompanied Baggage" and whichever airport you plan to fly out of and the options will come up.

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