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SkillSelect (the new changes)

Guest imigrate Australia

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Guest imigrate Australia

Hi all


The new changes are close (less than 6 weeks away).


For those of you interested, DIAC has information at the following link.




I'll post more info as its released if there is interest. Just made a vid on some info just released - should be ready soon.


Any questions, feel free to ask, i'll do my best to answer with the limited information we have at the moment.



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Guest imigrate Australia

Hey guys


I am attending a briefing next Tuesday (6 June) and I will provide an update on the new system then.



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Hi firstly great vids. So depending on the need for your skill depends on what group you go in ie 1-5. How do you find out what priority group your occupation is in. Today I was told the state sponsored visa was quicker to obtain than the independent one. At the moment I believe Perth is offering sponsorship to my occupation carpenter/joiner. Hopefully that won't change. Is the state sponsored visa a regional one. Bit confused.


Many thanks

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Guest imigrate Australia

Hi Craig


If I may, let me get an update next Tuesday and I will be able to let you know more detailed information.


Carpenter/joiner - I would say that (almost definitely) your occupation will be on the CSOL and State List for WA.


The State Sponsored Visa is where you get Sponsorship from Western Australia (if thats where you intend going) for your skills. It's really for maximising your points so that you qualify for a visa. If you have not started the process, i would doubt you will get your skills assessment and application lodged before 1 july. So its then the new system for you.


Does that clarify a bit for you?


Hope that helps

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Hi yes thanks that is reassuring. Perth is where I plan to stay for many years. I will be living with my wife's uncle an he will give me a job but it will be sub-contracting not employment so can't get the employer sponsored. But if state sponsor the fastest route I shall hopefully go down that route. Thanks for advice. Look forward to your future updates.


Kind regards



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Hi, I have a question/questions regarding the changes that someone may know the answer to. We are waiting on my husbands skills assessment which I doubt we'll have back before July 1st, our plan is to put in an EOI for subclass 190 the SS permenant visa as soon as we can, however if we do that we have to be invited to apply before my husband turns 40 next year otherwise we will be 5 points short, to get the extra points we would then need to apply for the SS temporary visa, think its the 489, can we do this if we've already applied for the other one first? and does the fact that it comes with a pathway to PR mean you will get PR? if not are we better to just go the 457 temporary route, find a sponser and hope that leads to permenance?


Also I wondered does anyone think the changes will make becoming permenant following a 457 more difficult? I don't understand the relevance of a temporary SS visa with a pathway to PR (489) if the 457 is to remain the same giving you the same options without having to shell out shed loads of money first...........does any of this make sense?


I ask because the new system means shelling out a lot of money with no garuntees and if points are an issue dont want to put in an EOI that will be of no use but I do crave the security of going, having sold our house and uprooted our family, knowing that we can stay! sorry if this is confusing but it's late and my mind does tend to wander, many thanks for any help.

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Guest imigrate Australia

Hi there


I will bring back details next week and keep my ears open for the answers to your questions to the skilled visa questions (I have an idea, but I want to make absolutely sure prior to giving firm feedback).


Some points I can comment on....


The government likes the Employer Sponsored Route. The new scheme will have a 457 transition visa will NOT make it more difficult, it will probably become easier.


And YES, there appear to be risks with the new EOI system and it DOES drive people towards the certainty of having a job prior to coming to Australia and being sponsored.


Will update next week


If anyone has any questions I can keep my antenna tuned for the specific answers


Hope that helps

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Guest imigrate Australia



Reminder, i go to the DIAC briefing Tuesday morning in Perth


Any questions, ask now and I'll look out for the answers.



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Guest imigrate Australia

Hi All


I attended the briefing today and have loads of information. Its going to take a little time to write it up and will try to do so tonight my time (watch this space).


I will post the key points here and make a quick vid to outline what DIAC informed us today.


Cheers for now

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Guest robh



I a hoping that i am translating the obscure letters at the end of your name to hopefully mean that you are an immigration genius agent that can help me out of my predicament?


If not i'm sure it will become an interesting read for all .....


In 2009 i got made redundant ... which is actually the best thing to have happened to me in an odd way; as at the age of 29 it permitted me a career break to do a spot of travelling ..... (1). because the employent market was so dank in the UK i needed to rent out my house to cover the mortgage (so i might aswell) (2) i could not get assistance off our beloved government because of my redundancy payout and (3) it was actually something i wanted to do.


After travelling Asia for a considerable length of time, i decided after meeting a few good aussie blokes that i would go and see them downunder .... a decision that has changed my world!!!


I originally decided that my trip in Oz was for a visit only and i applied for a Working Holiday Visa (WHV 417) and having decided that i didn't want to burn bridges by getting involved with the construction sector in Oz only to move on from a company a month or two later to travel somewhere else i didn't apply for jobs at this stage....... then realising i couldn't bank a second year WHV due to my age i realised the need for rural work ... however short of funds and in rural (non mining) parts of QLD i ended up picking Paw Paws and Bananas.... a memorable experience to say the least although i wouldn't change it for the world.


Having decided Christmas 11 that i would actually like to live here i started to look for sponsorship on a 457 visa.... the only problem being my 2ndYr WHV would expire 5 months later.... coupled to this the construction industry doesn't really get going again to february.


Having chased work and interviews around the country i realised that i wasn't going to get sponsored before my visa expiry date and had to leave as i didnt want to recieve a ban from Oz as it would only hinder any further visa applications i made.


I am now back in dismal UK.... back working within the industry but dying to get back out there....... the problem is that now apllying for skilled migration and regional migration visas i have a major problem...... i must have been working for 12 of the last 24 months within my skilled proffession to even qualify to proceed with the migration process.......... another major flaw is that I only have a HNC in Construction as I was in the penultament year of my BSc when i decided to leave as i was studying day release at the time and my understanding that the AIQS when assessing my application will refuse it on the basis I do not possess a degree.


I am willing to pay the cost of my flights and the 457.... and am determined to finish my degree.... but I would rather do this in the comfort of good weather a great way of life and the taste of a little creatures pale ale.


Any suggestions please help....... The UK is misserable!!!!






Basically I have 7 years exp within the UK as a Quantity Surveyor... although this includes my younger years as a trainee and moving up through the ranks etc....

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Guest imigrate Australia

Hi All




I will answer previous questions shortly.




Video in making now


[h=2]DIAC BRIEFING – THE CLEAR MESSAGE[/h][h=3]· Its policy is to have a system that attracts the best and brightest candidates to Australia and the visa system has been designed to reflect this[/h][h=3]· The system is being simplified to make the application process easier with a high degree of self help for the applicant[/h][h=3]· Also, it is being consolidated to eradicate inconsistencies[/h][h=3][/h][h=2]The 3 basic components[/h][h=3]· Skilled Migrant[/h][h=3]· State/Territory Nominated[/h][h=3]· Employer Sponsored[/h]

[h=2]Skilled applicants (Skilled Migrant and State/Territory Nominated) the Expression of Interest process is mandatory[/h][h=2][/h][h=2]Employer sponsored – NO EOI process[/h][h=3][/h][h=2]The process[/h][h=3]· Applicant will lodge an Expression of Interest[/h][h=3]· Will be entered onto a database with all details of application on the database[/h][h=3]· If successful, DIAC will invite you to lodge a visa application[/h][h=3]· You then have 60 days (strict and no more) to lodge your application[/h][h=3][/h][h=2][/h][h=2]Some interesting points[/h][h=3]· Onshore/offshore distinction will be removed (ie no need to go offshore for grant)[/h][h=3]· Certain no further stay conditions will be waived[/h][h=3]· Can apply for a Skill Select Visa whilst on a bridging Visa A,B or C[/h][h=3]· IELTS valid for 3 years (ONLY for applications AFTER 1 July 2012)[/h][h=3]· No conditions BV grant on application[/h][h=2][/h][h=3][/h][h=1][/h][h=2]EOI some important points[/h][h=3]· The system FULLY online (no paper applications)[/h][h=3]· Must meet threshold requirements (Age, English, Work Experience, Education)[/h][h=3]· Is valid for 2 years[/h][h=3]· Its an automatic process[/h][h=3]· Will automatically populate the application forms[/h][h=3]· Points will be calculated automatically[/h][h=3]· Points test is now about ‘being the best’[/h][h=3]· A ranking system will be in place[/h][h=3]· More points = higher ranking[/h][h=3]· Higher rankings invited to apply first[/h][h=3]· MUST meet threshold requirements[/h][h=3]· System will provide feedback to applicants[/h][h=3]· Data will be published which will show what points level are being invited[/h][h=3]· Will NOT show where you are on the points ranking[/h][h=3]· This now becomes a ‘bidding system’ but all is not lost – see later[/h][h=3]· EOI can be updated at any time[/h][h=3]· If there is false information at time of invite and application, DIAC will get an integrity flag (honest mistakes will be ok)[/h][h=3]· Age will ‘tick’ automatically[/h][h=3]· EOI stays on system for 2 years[/h][h=3]· No supporting information will be required BUT….[/h][h=3]· Application will need to be lodged 60 days from invitation and therefore need to have support available[/h][h=3]· Notably, IELTS and skills assessment[/h][h=3]· Miss 2 invitations – reapply![/h][h=3][/h][h=1][/h][h=2]State/Territory Nomination (changes)[/h][h=3]· Applicant will need to indicate that they are available for State/Territory nomination by State (individual or all)[/h][h=3]· State Nomination is automatic invitation[/h][h=3]· MAY be able to work with State so that they search for your nomination (not clear and more to come)[/h][h=3][/h][h=2]Employer access to EOI database[/h][h=3]· If applicant ‘ticks’ that they want to be contacted by employers, participating employers will be able to see applicants details (set at ANZSCO 4 digit level and limited information)[/h][h=3]· Employers can contact applicants who authorise it[/h][h=3][/h][h=2]How DIAC will manage the Occupation Ceilings[/h][h=3]· Currently it is a general pool of applicants[/h][h=3]· DIAC will regulate the Occupation Ceilings based on research by DIAC, DEWR and Treasury on what occupations are required[/h][h=3]· Its like a graphic equalizer for migration[/h][h=3][/h][h=2]Practical application levels[/h][h=3]· Skill Select will look for highest value best and brightest applicants[/h][h=3]· The current pipeline of people is 98,000 pending applications! - designed to bring pipeline down[/h][h=3]· NOTE – 30,000 applicants, 74,000 required (no need to worry about Occupational Ceilings –DIAC)[/h][h=3]· From 1 July there will be no priority 3 or 4 and will be concentrating on priority 5[/h][h=2][/h][h=2]Skilled Occupation Lists[/h][h=3]· 457, ENS and State Lists will be consolidated to CSOL (Consolidated Skilled Occupation List)[/h][h=3]· Skill Select will have its own list remains the SOL (Skilled Occupations List)[/h][h=3]· No radical changes expected to the SOL (per DIAC)[/h][h=3]· RSMS has no list[/h][h=1][/h][h=2][/h]

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