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Coming to Perth!

Guest Tony & Liz Elliott

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Guest Tony & Liz Elliott

Hi, we are hoping to move to Perth in September and are very nervous! we are coming in on a student visa as neither my husband or I has a trade. My Husband is going to do a AQF in roofing and is also allowed to work 20 hours per week on this particular visa. I can only work 20 hours per week, however, I have a 5 year old whom I will need to take and collect from school.

We dont have anywhere to rent yet, but are staying with family when we first arrive.

The AQF is in Cannington -does anyone know of a decent area to live with schools close by and public transport handy?

Also, can anyone give any advice as to how easy it will be to get work for me? I am an accountancy officer in the UK, but will do anything to bring the pennies in (within reason of course!) as long as I can get there by public transport and I can fit the hours around schooling.


Any help and advice will be very welcomed!


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Guest pdqkwaker

Hello Liz


My wife and I are in exactly the same boat as you (except we don't have any children). We're moving to Perth Feb/March next year. I don't have the right career as n the ENSOL list so I'm retraining as a bricklayer. I'm signing up with Silver Trowal and they based in Cannington. Is your husband attending the same collage?

You asked about handy places to stay around that area. My sister in law lives in Bentley which is just over the Allbany Highway from Cannington. The bus route along that highway to the centre is fantastic. There are a couple of schools I think nearby. I know theres one at St James which isn't too faw away. We went over to see her last November and we used the bus ever day so I can speak from experience how good the facilities are.

As for the job situation, Im hearing conflicting reports. Some say the market is close to saturation because Perth has been a boom town for quite some time now. Yet my sister in law got the local newspaper last Wednesday (which is there jobs day) and she said there were quite a lot advertised. I suppose it depends what your after.

I'll keep my eye out on your posting to see how your getting on.:D

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Guest Tony & Liz Elliott

Thank you for the info.


Yes! Tony is going to be at Cannington College with Silver Trowel, he has just paid his first installment to do roofing!


We are quite lucky as when we arrive we are going to be staying with family who live in Heathridge until we find a suburb which we like the look of and has all the amenities close by!


I think the cost of living in Perth is on the rise, I only hope we are able to afford it and thats why I hope to get work as soon as poss!


Watch this space and we will update as to how we are getting on!

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  • 3 months later...
Guest pdqkwaker

Hia Tony and Liz


You said you were going to Perh in September. You must have been out there a couple of months now so what do think of it. Are you settled in? How's the course going at silver trowel? I was looking into doing the bricklaying course.


Keep in touch

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  • 1 month later...
Guest clairewilko10

Hi all,

We are on the student visa too. My hubby is at Silver Trowel, started in October doing the bricklaying course in Cannington. Its going ok, but you have to be prepared to go out and look for work yourself, 'cause ST don't do it for you!!! We live in Baldivis which isn't too far out, just down the Kwinana freeway, others on the same course live further away than us but distance dosen't seem to be a problem. We both can only work for 20 hours which is a really stupid rule, but one we must adhere too. Anyway, Liz, if you want more help with anything let me know, or if you want to meet up, great, 'cause we are in exactly the same boat money wise.



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