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Adelaide to Perth??

Guest silverload

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Guest silverload

Hi all,


I am new to this forum but have read a few posts on different subjects. We are a family of three and arrived in Adelaide 7 weeks ago. I am a Primary Teacher and OH is a jack of all trades with no formal qualifications (Security Officer/Supervisor, School Caretaker and Bus Driver). Our daughter is 12 years old and up to press likes Adelaide and has settled into school, albeit having to go back a year into Y7 Primary. However, I know it is really early days, but my gut feeling is that Adelaide is not the place for me. I do not want to end up saying I wish to go back to the UK without fully giving Australia a go. So in short are there any kind people out there who could offer any advice on whether the option of moving and trying out Perth would be worth considering, even if this is perhaps in another 12 months? I know a lot of people moved from the UK (loads from the area of Whitehaven where we lived) and have settled quite happily.


Many thanks :unsure:

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depends what you don't like about Adelaide? If you're after a bigger, buzzier city then Perth's not the place to come and you'd be better heading east to melbourne or Sydney. I'd say Perth is quite simialr to Adelaide, except a tiny bit bigger!

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Guest SidSnot

7 weeks in Adelaide is not long. Where in Adelaide are you? Some parts are much nicer than others. I have been here (in Adelaide) 15 years but for work & personal reasons will hopefully be moving to Perth soon.

Feel free to ask or message me if I can assist with any enquiries about Adelaide.

Good luck...

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Hi there, myself and partner Jane moved to Aus permenantly in 2007, lived in Sydney for 2 years wasnt for us..

So we then moved to the Gold Coast. After 3 years on the coast its time to move on its far to transient and a bit like the wild west.

Next week we land in Perth. Big gamble as i have never been altho have heard nothing but good things and that its quiet wich suits me now im 41 :)

So if your gut tells you to move? Move :)

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