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Advice Please!

Guest Tony & Liz Elliott

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Guest Tony & Liz Elliott

Hiya, we will be coming to Perth in September as yet I dont have a job to go to but as we are coming in on a student visa I can only work 20 hours per week (my husband is coming to do an AQF in roofing). I am interested in working for a local council but have heard in passing that you cant work for councils unless you are a permanent resident - does anyone know if this is correct?



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Guest cazmayo

Hi Liz,


When I was last in Perth, some years ago, I worked as a temp. I worked for a local council for several months (kept being asked back). Technically, the temp agency would have been my employer.


Though I read in another thread, a lady that worked as an investigator I think for the council in the UK, but was told she couldnt do it in Perth unless she was a citizen??


Best of luck.



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Guest nicdavidson7

Hi there - from what I have read about this, I think it depends on whether the job itself is temporary or permanent. If you have a temporary visa, you wouldn't be allowed to do a permanent job but could work in a temporary job with a local council. From the vacancies I have been looking at, it usually says in the advert if you have to be a permanent resident.

Good luck!


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