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Secondary Teaching Jobs?

Guest Muirx4

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Guest Muirx4



I am planning to immigrate as soon as my house is sold. I teach Business/Accounting/Business Administration. Is there work available for these subjects or supply work in Perth?





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you'll have to register with WACOT http://www.wacot.wa.edu.au/ beofre you get any job. There is always supply - called relief teaching here, though not always great as there are always teachers floating about when year 11/12's are on study leave - and they finish the year earlier than everyone else. However all year 7's are moving into Govt High schools in 2014 and there will be huge shortage of high school teachers (we don't say secondary) - they are talking of retraining primary teachers to work in high schools. Accounting is one of the WACE subjects (equivalent of A level), not sure about business studies. Won't be as many jobs oppror. as things like maths/english.

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