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Perth 12 months on


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Hi all, I just thought I would share our experiences 12 plus a bit months on into our move. It's difficult to write every experience so I thought I would just write down feelings.


Firstly I don't regret a thing, the place is beautiful and it's the best thing we ever did.

I miss family LOADS......I don't miss the uk one little bit. It not enough to make me go back, but it's a twang on a heart string.

We had a fabulous life in the uk with good jobs and loads of holidays so we didn't need to do it. We took the opportunity and glad we did.

Don't get me wrong, please do not come over with rose tinted glasses, the grass is most definitely greener but the housework, ironing and daily job still needs doing (unless someone knows of a fairy I don't!) and you still have to work damn hard.

The place is unbelievable, soooo many parks and soooo many things to do, even now as it's getting colder you can find something somewhere knowing that you can arrange something and stick to it.

We have chosen to live in an area which is quiet and that makes a difference in day to day life.

What I have noticed is that even though we have people we know, it's not the same as just dropping in on someone on the way home from work coz you've have had a bad day and fancy a natter. Everything seems a lot more organised and planned when it comes to socialising with people.

Since arriving we have had a babysitter twice, which going from the uk where we had one every other weekend if not every weekend has been a big adjustment. It's great spending the time with my little girl, but I do feel that our (me and hubby) grown up social life is on hold for the time being, and we will catch up later.

I miss being able to get on a plane to Spain, Amsterdam and other places in Europe, but we have now found camping and we love the places we are visiting which are a few hours away.


Reading this post back I'm not sure it makes a lot of sense or the reasons behind it........ Just thought I would share........ Its a bit up, a bit down, a lot here and a bit there but overall we LOVE it! :)

Good luck to everyone making the move and to Hi to all those who are now living in sunny Perth.

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Thanks for sharing ... when we moved we knew no-one, we hadn't been inundated with offers of babysitters in the UK so had kind of got used to not having much of a grown up social life lol. But you're right you do catch up on it.


Like you I missed the popping round to a friends house for a natter/coffee when at a loose end, but in the 5 years we've been here, I can say that we've probably now replicated the close friendships we had in the UK and have people weknow we can rely on in a crisis which is very comforting.


Ali x

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Hi Ali, It's all very different and I suppose it's just adjusting and settling in. I expect it to take longer than 12 months to be honest and like you say you can't create the new close friendships within a short amount of time.


One thing is that we are a lot closer as a family unit and we now do EVERYTHING together so that is great.


We are now more relaxed as a family too.


I hope you are now enjoying your grown up time and I'm sure you don't feel like you have missed out on anything by being in Perth. :)


Dawn x

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We too are a very close family unit Dawn and to be honest I think that probably helped. In the UK we didn't rely on anyone, so arriving here and knowing no-one wasn't much different. I tended to miss people, especially at times of birthdays when I knew we would see all our friends/their children - but these became more fleeting as as we made new friends here there was less of a gap.


I'd be enjoying my grown up time more, except that hubby broke his ankle on Anzac day and still on crutches lol

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Guest littlestar

Hi ya everyone! It was nice to hear your update of life in Perth now. My hubby has just been given his offer to transfer from Glasgow (made redundant) to Perth office on a re-location package, same company but diff job. We have been considering the pro's and con's of moving with our two children 3 and 7yrs. The move, making sure I make the right decision for them both, right schooling, home, etc is such a heavy weight on our shoulders. I am v v v tempted but leaving the family is still a sticking point. My mum looks after my youngest 2 days a week when I am working (teacher). Babysitters are on tap too! We are a close family unit so think we would do ok and I think we worry too much about the kids, they fit in prob easier that us! lol! Any other advice would be great! One thing i heard is it is very expensive to live there? x


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Hi ya everyone! It was nice to hear your update of life in Perth now. My hubby has just been given his offer to transfer from Glasgow (made redundant) to Perth office on a re-location package, same company but diff job. We have been considering the pro's and con's of moving with our two children 3 and 7yrs. The move, making sure I make the right decision for them both, right schooling, home, etc is such a heavy weight on our shoulders. I am v v v tempted but leaving the family is still a sticking point. My mum looks after my youngest 2 days a week when I am working (teacher). Babysitters are on tap too! We are a close family unit so think we would do ok and I think we worry too much about the kids, they fit in prob easier that us! lol! Any other advice would be great! One thing i heard is it is very expensive to live there? x



Hi littlestar, this site is great for sharing experiences and getting valuable information.

There is only you and your family that can make the final decision, but if I was giving advise I would certainly say go for it! :)

Yes it's different and yes you have ups and downs but overall its a great place to bring up kids.

The outdoor living is so nice, not having to worry about the weather for a day out makes it very stress free, and with so much to do.

As I said in my post, no having any babysitters can feel a little claustrophobic but it's not very often I feel the need to go out the two of us now, it'd be just nice to be able to be spontaneous and kick the feet up once in a while. ;)

It's certainly not enough to make me want to go back to the uk anyway.

Missing family is a big part but having skype is brilliant, we even bought my mother in law a skype phone before we left and it's great as she is 78 and finds it easy to use.

I keep telling people that if you get the opportunity you have to try it and have no regrets. Whats the worst that could happen? If you decide to go back there is no shame in it and at least you were brave enough to give it a go.

Kids do adapt very easy, certainly my 6 year old (5 when we arrived) has settled in unbelievably well and has moved school twice as well. She has made friends very easy and adapted well to the changes.

I hope all goes well for you in whatever decision you make.

Keep us posted.

Dawn x

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Hi Dawn,


Lovely to read, I like to read about how people are feeling, their experiences etc :) I just arrived on Mon, still very tired and my head feels a bit all over the place! Hubby been here 2 weeks now and settling into his work fine. I have a 3 year old girl who has been awake every night about 1am wide awake which is leaving us shattered through the day, hopefully tonight she will sleep right through so I can function tomorrow - haha! Where abouts are you living? We are currently renting from a couple in Woodvale (nice area), let the house hunting, stress and fun all begin!! I will be looking to start meeting up and getting to know some people soon so if you're free next week and fancy meeting up let me know where is good (you will know the place better than me),





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