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ive only gone and broken my ankle


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i dont believe it i have only gone and fallen and broken my ankle no flying out on saturday in plaster on crutches which i cannot use half my house in a container other half packed up ready to go in container. cant contact John directly had to use emegency telephones to leave a message mood is in my boots im plaster for 6 weeks at least just lucky that i had sold the dogs kennel on ebay and the guy came to collect and found me half lying half sitting on the floor turns out he was a polce man lucky me he then had to phone my sister who came just as i fainted - shame on me - waited an hour for ambulance gave up and bum shuffled downt he steps to my sisters car then over to a+e 40mns later yes a broken ankle and to top it all the lettng agent rang the couple who were going to rent my house have pulled out .................................... fraught and teraful is not the word now resgned to sleepin on a bed downstairs in my sisters living room cos i cannot get up the stars lucky she has a downstairs loo luck is poxed is not the word for it ...... i dont think i will ever get to perth .................................................

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Must keep strong and remain positive about things, difficult I'm sure. Try and look on this unfortunate incident as a small blip on a very big and beautiful landscape. keep us all posted on how you are getting along?



Edited by ROB T
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Bless you what bad timing. Haven't read your story so not sure when you were supposed to come to Perth but good luck and speedy recovery.


Hi Saints was due to fly out on Saturday my husband has been there for a month still trying to contact him as he is out on site in a new mine and the communication is not set up as yet. I have informed some folks waiting for him to be able to phone me, not aware that he has been informed of this as yet of my accident............................

thanks everyone for your messages

love n light



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Guest Little Miss Sunshine

Ooooh Mary!! Poor you, as Rob T said try and look at is as a small blip...just think in a few years time you'll look back and think all about it and laugh whilst your sitting down at the beach, drink in hand, sun shining on you and thinking 'ive made it!' and you WILL make it!! :biggrin: x

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I feel your pain having only got my cast off my ankle last week after 7 weeks -fractured tibia. The only good thing is we haven't yet had to move to our temporary rental yet as the house sale is taking forever !

Just keep it elevated as much as possible - I struggled with 3 kids in the house - but I really appreciate being able to stand on 2 feet again !

Best of luck :wink:

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I feel your pain having only got my cast off my ankle last week after 7 weeks -fractured tibia. The only good thing is we haven't yet had to move to our temporary rental yet as the house sale is taking forever !

Just keep it elevated as much as possible - I struggled with 3 kids in the house - but I really appreciate being able to stand on 2 feet again !

Best of luck :wink:


oh bless 7 weeks ive not got 7 weeks i have a flight booked provisionally for the 28/7, Australian contact informs if they cancel flight it will cost $400 but they can defer for another date -------- no pressure there then ............ put a hold on shipping this am at extra costs and to top it all its taken 15 hours before my hubs could contact me. he is not a happy bunny i can tell you. no coms at site only emergency phone haha at emergency ........... and they have charged him $6 a min yes min to speak with me such a caring considerate company.

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Hi Mary, I can really feel for you..I was ready to come out first week of july. I had an op to remove a plate from my arm at end of may and during the op my bone broke. I am in plaster presently and have my review on July 6th to see if plaster can come off then i face 6 weeks of rehab minimum...gutted! I wish you a speedy recovery, eat lots of protein, avoid cola and don't smoke xxx

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thanks so much folks for the messages just a little update

i am now in a permenant plaster - bright pink i may add cheered me up no end hehe - 4 weeks to go till i go back to fracture clinic but things are looking good. i am now on warfrin daily until the day i land in perth - precation re :- dvt. i will have to wear those wonderfully sexy flight socks but i have to have the ones that go right up my leg - how ridiculous that will look. but hey if i got to wear them to fly then that is wha im going to do ...................... my belongings are coming out of storage and will be shipped asap date of arrival in Perth now the 13/7 crikey i just hope john will have bought a car by then cos im sure going to need it to do some serious house viewings i have 2 weeks to find a long term let when i arrive that is going to be pushing it i think but hey ho after all whats happend i think it will be a breeze in the park -------------- again thanks for messages

love n light


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