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On our Way !!

Guest twotykes

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Guest twotykes

Hello Folks

We just got our 457 visa through today so will hopefully be in Perth by the end of July I have a job already in place and will be looked after by the company I am going too for the first month with housing car rental etc but will be shipping out our household things asap anyone have any idea how long it will take to arrive in Aus ? what to bring what not to bring ?

Also my wife is a mosaic artist and has a studio full of tiles and equipment is there any problem bringing tiles etc over there ?

My office will be in central perth so any suggestions of good areas to look at when we arrive for a more permenant residence renting at first with an option of buying in the future ?

Any advice and tips welcome



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Not sure about the tiles - have a look at http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/travel/entering-australia/cant-take


Re places to live, it's so difficult as we'll each suggest somewhere different as we all like different things, some people want new houses whilst some don't mind older houses/suburbs, some want the beach and some want the hills. Don't under estimate the distance for commuting. My advice is to look around when you get her to get a feel for places

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Guest Artyabi

Hi Gary

We have been here a few weeks now and my boyfriend is working in central Perth too, we have decided on Cottesloe as its on the Fremantle train line which is quick to get in. We have found the trains are fast, frequent and good value. I would suggest looking along the train routes for rental properties but be aware properties go very quickly, within a day they can go under application! Make sure to bring out references from your current mortgage/letting company and have enough money, you'll need to put down a bond and two weeks rent up front (realestate Aus website) will give you an idea of prices.

As for shipping, it takes ages! Our container was packed on the 14th May and we are expecting it to get into Perth around the end of

July hopefully! We have been quite surprised by how much household items cost, simple things like pots and pans, kettles, toasters, microwaves, furniture, mattresses! Bring them all if you can. It's been difficult as we are moving to a unfurnished property for a month before our stuff arrives so I'm glad we decided to leave our white goods and buy new here.

Good luck! Abi

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