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Nerdy broadband question


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Generally, "poor" would be the answer.

No fibre (except in areas where the NBN is rolling out slowly) so you're down ADSL with the old "further you live from the exchange, the worse it is". And remember that houses are spread out much more than the UK.

Coming from a fibre-connected house in a city with a 50meg+ connection to a suburb next to the CBD and getting one tenth of that was a bit of a shock for me.

Have a read around over at whirpool.net.au

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Generally, "poor" would be the answer.

No fibre (except in areas where the NBN is rolling out slowly) so you're down ADSL with the old "further you live from the exchange, the worse it is". And remember that houses are spread out much more than the UK.

Coming from a fibre-connected house in a city with a 50meg+ connection to a suburb next to the CBD and getting one tenth of that was a bit of a shock for me.

Have a read around over at whirpool.net.au


Not true at all. I live in Yanchep and have FTTP(70meg avg speed). Telstra provide this at various locations outside Perth. Its not just NBN that provide fibre. NBN have not gone live anywhere in WA as of yet. Have a quick google of Telstra Velocity, and all shall be revealed. Even if you cant get FTTP Telstra provide ADSL2 under the top hat project which is also very widely available. In a nutshell, I would say the internet speeds are far superior to pretty much anywhere in the UK.

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Guest Tony4052

Be aware that in some areas the exchange is full and you can not get Internet. We live in Tapping on a big estate and can only get slow And very expensive mobile Internet.

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