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Hi everyone


We are at the very early stages of hopefully relocating to Perth for West Lothian, Scotland.


We have agent picked, OH practising for IELTS and funds all sitting to take plunge and go ahead with agent - eeek.


It's taken us a long time to decide that relocating is what we are after for our family. We are a family of 5, kids are 8, 6 and 1 so it's been very hard deciding whether to uproot and move meaning the kids are away from family and friends they have. So far the eldest two seen happy with it but I'm sure that will change alot in the coming months!!

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Guest Stum85

Hi Lynzee where in WL are you from?


I'm from Livingston although currently living in Glasgow.


I have also just started the process as well planning on moving to Perth with the girlfriend we're 27/23.

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Hi guys we also moving to WA going from Inverness to Busselton (2 hrs south perth.) Hopefully August but no firm date yet (company arranging). We are 30 + 32 with 2 kids 5 + 3. Scary but very exciting, got to try and make a beter life for ourselves and kids. Its better to try and fail than to never try at all. Good luck with it all

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Congratulations on your getting your visas all sorted. Did they take long?


We have hummed and hawed about using an agent or not but I'm scared we make a mistake or miss something off so have found one that seems really great priced and had good reviews. Still is a fair chunk of money though but trying not to think about it :)

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hi we are from turriff aberdeenshire and hoping to move in sept we go over on the 17th june to validate visa's and check things out but we used an agent from edinburgh and glad we did i know it cost us more but after going through all the paper work i dont think we would have gotten our visas without his help

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I spoke to an agent in Edinburgh when we first looked in to the process - we were going to use one but I got pregnant soon after and we took our time. My OH is a Mechanical Engineer, he needed to do the IELTS first before he could send away for his skills assessment, as he does not hold a UK passport. The skills assessment took 16 weeks to come back, we then got SS.


We read through Booklet 6 and go lots of information of the sister site (Poms in Oz). If you have any issues with your application Medicals or crininal convictions, or short on time - it is worth to use a good Registered Agent.


Once you know the process it is not as complicated as it seams.

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Hey, I'm from Livingston too but now in Armadale.


Seems to be an overwhelming task at times but think I'm looking to far into the future and assuming everything gets the ok! Need to stop trying to rush ahead :)


Hiya Lynzee,

We lived in Armadale, sold our house and lived in Bathgate for 6 months before the move! Small world really!!

We used an agent too, although I had a few control issues, well basically hated not being in control!!

Donna x

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Guest allagras

Hi and welcome to PP - lol - having said that we only just joined ourselves!

We are from Aberdeen - just submitted the medicals (again!! Grrrr) but fingers crossed we should have a positive result soon


Great to hear so many of you out there from our neck of the woods!

Good luck in your moves and applications :)



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Couple of you from Aberdeen, funny cause that is another place my hubby was looking at as he is in the engineering/oil industry :)


No way Donna, that's really crazy! If you have a kid/kids then no doubt I would recognise you. Such a small world really. Will have to remember to tell the parents that when we drop the bombshell!


Agent we have seen in Edinburgh too, oh I hope we are going with the right company, have to chill and put a bit of trust in them! X

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