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Re Mobile phones

Guest lambert

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Guest lambert

We are moving to Perth next year and was wondering if anybody can explain mobile phones, tariffs, cost, best provider etc to us as I've seen it's different to the UK. Currently I have an I phone and it's great.





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I think if you look further you will find that most of the mobile phone companies call rates are cheaper than Telstra but Telstra definitely has the best coverage. I am with Vodafone and will have to switch to Telstra as like Lorna's OH, I have started FIFO and onlt Telstra works here. As well where I live in Bunbury, the reception for Vodafone is decidedly dodgy, whereas Telstra has full coverage.

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On the day we landed, we bought two sims from the vodaphone stall. Bar a few issues with signal dropping out its been great.

I get 30 dollars cap, so for 30 dollars I have 400 dollars of calls, not sure what that equates to in mins, but never been over, unlimited texts and 500mb Internet . I have never spent anything over 30 dollars, and that is every 30 days.

Use it on my iPhone, and all is good,

Donna x

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Pretty sure it's owned by the Woolworths supermarket chain. Don't know much about them other than you have to provide your own phone. Call rates are supposed to be cheap and as like Vodafone, the Optus coverage won't be as extensive as Telstra but more than likely beats Telstra on price hands down.

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i tend to disagree , vodafone hasn't got the best signal but is cheaper than tesltra but telstra don't give u as many mins and txts and i ve heard they add on loads that u get free with other contracts


my hubby is fifo so only telstra works up the mines


Hi lorna


Your lucky my o/h is out on site no comms at all as yet been 2 weeks without a decent conversation. I was due to fly out on 16/6 fell broke my ankle on the 11/6 took 15 hours before he was able to contact on a satalite phone and they charged him $6 min to use it. If that wasnt an emergency i dont know what was stuck in the uk until further notice although have a provisional fly date for 28/7 and come hell or high water im on that flight leg in plaster on not.........................

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Hi Lorna

Yes new site its as basic as it comes he is not a happy bunny but apparently it should be up and fully running by the end of June fingers crossed we cant even send facebook messages its hard as im stuck in the UK still but hes back in Perth tomoz cant wait to have a proper conversation with him lots to discuss etc xxxxxxxxxxx

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