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Guest mackemsok

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Guest mackemsok

Hi there

Our TRA form was sent off 2 weeks ago. I know I am impatient - but I just wanted to know how long others took. My OH trade is on the MODL and apparently they say they take priority but not sure if this is true.


Any examples would be appreciated



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Guest mackemsok
hi sharon, my occupation was on the modl list and still took about two months to be assessed!


good luck.




Hi Lee

Thanks for that - I thought as much, I will just have to be patient.


Have you applied for your visa yet - and did you go through an agent?



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Guest leeob77

hi, we started the process in march last year and decided to use an agent just for the reassurance of having someone knowing what they were doing. our agent said at the time that it would take between 6 and 8 weeks for the tra assessment but with a bit of luck things might have changed!


we got our visas in july this year and just waiting to sell house so we can get things organised to move out there.



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Guest mackemsok

Well done Lee - bet you are so exited. Which part are you going to have you jobs lined up - I am sooooo jealous but so happy for you too


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Guest leeob77

heading for perth. got some friends there and really fell in love with it when we visited. not got any work lined up yet. have sent cv to a couple of places, have also registered with hays recruitment as they have loads of jobs advertised on seek.com.au . they seem pretty confident of getting me work for when i arrive. just getting things ready to get my elecrical license when i get there now.


our timeline is quite long but with the introduction of the new online application people are getting visas in 6-9 months. what trade have you applied under?


good luck

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Guest mackemsok

HI Lee


My OH is a dental technician so thats what we have applied for, and guess what I have just had the first viewer for our house this afternoon - how fab is that........and how real it all seems.


We have friends who live in Rockingham and they rav about it saying there are loads of Brits there - especially Northerners, but I have read some reports its not as nice as other suberbs, but I have never been so have to take their word - will make up my mind once we get there I suppose. Mind you they bought their house about 4 years ago for $350,000 and now its worth $450,000 so the property prices have gone up quite a bit. Another friend said that there is a bit of a property slump there at the moment like here - and some builders are accepting offers $80,000 to $100,000 less than the asking price. I am sure you can let us know all about it once you get out there.

Are you taking all your stuff with you?

How does your OH feel about leaving family etc.


Isn't it great how so many people are going through the same feelings / thoughts/ issues as we are.



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hi, we started the process in march last year and decided to use an agent just for the reassurance of having someone knowing what they were doing. our agent said at the time that it would take between 6 and 8 weeks for the tra assessment but with a bit of luck things might have changed!


we got our visas in july this year and just waiting to sell house so we can get things organised to move out there.





Have you considered renting your house in UK leeob? Thats what we have done and I am so pleased we did. Its not a great time to sell in UK and its not a good time to buy here, added to that the exchange rate is really poor.

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HI Lee


My OH is a dental technician so thats what we have applied for, and guess what I have just had the first viewer for our house this afternoon - how fab is that........and how real it all seems.


We have friends who live in Rockingham and they rav about it saying there are loads of Brits there - especially Northerners, but I have read some reports its not as nice as other suberbs, but I have never been so have to take their word - will make up my mind once we get there I suppose. Mind you they bought their house about 4 years ago for $350,000 and now its worth $450,000 so the property prices have gone up quite a bit. Another friend said that there is a bit of a property slump there at the moment like here - and some builders are accepting offers $80,000 to $100,000 less than the asking price. I am sure you can let us know all about it once you get out there.

Are you taking all your stuff with you?

How does your OH feel about leaving family etc.


Isn't it great how so many people are going through the same feelings / thoughts/ issues as we are.




Rockingham has a really bad reputation as a suberb, I think its OK but it is quite "colourful" it depends what you are used to. Its known locally as "Bogansville"

The term bogan is and usually pejorative, for a person who is, or is perceived to be, of a lower-class background. According to the stereotype, the speech and mannerisms of "bogans" indicate, poor education cheap clothing(singlet, jeans and no shoes are the stereotypical bogan outfit and uncultured upbringing'Bogans' usually reside in economically disadvantaged suburbs (often outer metropolitan) or rural areas.


Just out of interest, why do people leave UK and want to be surrounded by English people in their new country? A word of warning, a lot of the English who have come to WA maybe the very kind of people you are leaving UK to get away from!

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Guest leeob77

considered renting it out but we dont want the hassle of selling later. we dont owe much on the mortgage and wanted to use the profit to get set up in oz.


thanks for the suggestion though.

by the time it sells the exchange rate may be better (as forcast) so wont be too bad. i keep kicking myself though, i wanted to emmigrate two years ago but mrs talked me out of it!! house prices were high but still selling, could get about $2.4 to the pound!

ah well.




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considered renting it out but we dont want the hassle of selling later. we dont owe much on the mortgage and wanted to use the profit to get set up in oz.


thanks for the suggestion though.

by the time it sells the exchange rate may be better (as forcast) so wont be too bad. i keep kicking myself though, i wanted to emmigrate two years ago but mrs talked me out of it!! house prices were high but still selling, could get about $2.4 to the pound!

ah well.





I think a lot of us missed the boat, too late!!! but things seem to be balancing themselves out. I wouldn't jump in to the market over here in a hurry though.

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Guest leeob77

i think i would be best to see how the market is heading and also want to see which direction the interest rates are going in oz. look bloody high to me at the moment!!

we are going to rent in oz for at least 6 - 12 months to get a feel for things.

where abouts are you living greg? we are probably heading to east perth but only know a couple of areas (kalamunda, lesmurdie) which seem good i thought.

cheers greg.

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i think i would be best to see how the market is heading and also want to see which direction the interest rates are going in oz. look bloody high to me at the moment!!

we are going to rent in oz for at least 6 - 12 months to get a feel for things.

where abouts are you living greg? we are probably heading to east perth but only know a couple of areas (kalamunda, lesmurdie) which seem good i thought.

cheers greg.


We live south, right at the end of the freeway, Baldivis. Its a nice place to be, but a long way to get anywhere, one of the few areas they have left the trees in which is what attracted us. I think the areas you are looking at are very nice (all areas have not so good bits) I think a lot of Brits like it because it is a little more like what we are used to, smaller communities, hills and trees as well as bigger blocks. Generally the Perth suburbs are flat and very densely packed in, the house can occupy the whole block.


There is a statistic which goes something like 95% of people settle where they first stop, particularly so when you have older children who become settled in.


Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest rach28



My hubby is plasterer and is on modl. Ours took ten days to be assessed. I rang and asked after about 12 days because i was impatient and they told us we had passed over the phone.

Hope this helps



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Guest mackemsok

HI Rachel


Thanks you so much for that - I will ring first thing in the morning.....fingers crossed

When are you looking at moving?

Are you going to Perth, if so where are you looking?


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Guest rach28



Remember there is a 9 hour time diffrence. They are open think it was 9am till 4 pm. We rang just after midnight.

Also if you have done tra through agent they will only give details to your agent or who ever is on the application to be your rep. We did tra our selves. They wouldnt tell me i had to put my husband on phone for them to tell him.

We are just waiting to get the rest of the money together for visa so we are hoping to move to perth around august next year. We will be staying with family in kelmscott till we get our feet on the ground.



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