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any nurses? I need your help!

Guest Duchess

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Guest Duchess

hi, I'm moving to Perth with my OH, but hes the one with the job so going on his visa.


I'm a registered adult nurse so want to be working myself when I get there.


am I right in that I need to register with ahpra? I got a load of forms sent to me from someone.


is there anything else I need to do?

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hi, I'm moving to Perth with my OH, but hes the one with the job so going on his visa.


I'm a registered adult nurse so want to be working myself when I get there.


am I right in that I need to register with ahpra? I got a load of forms sent to me from someone.


is there anything else I need to do?


the first thing you have to do is register with ahpra as you cannot get a job as a nurse in oz unless you re registered hope this helps:smile:

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Guest Duchess

Hi, thank you.


I had a look through them last night. parts seem a little complicated. I'm going to start them asap.

is that all I hve to do, just register with ahpra?


someone suggested joining an agency and they can help you with the forms. is this right?

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Guest angiemalc

Hi Duchess,

I was in the same boat as you - eventually got registration with AHPRA just over a month ago - I applied in Sept/Oct when we arrived!! So apply asap! You also need to get a university transcript of training - as detailed as possible - this comes straight from the uni and sent to AHPRA, you also need a statement of service from your employer - try and get them to say what your duties were - again go for detail, and contact the NMC and request a verification pack . Make a couple of copies of everything and get them verified by a JP. The whole thing is a bit of a nightmare to be honest (AHPRA!) but if I can be of help let me know.


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Guest Duchess

angiemalc thank you very much for this info.

I'm going to email people today now I know this, it was this stuff that was confusing me on the forms.

arrrggghh! nightmare!


think I'll have to do loads of bank work whilst still here just incase wont have work whilst there.


did you get a permanent position once your ahpra got approved or agency?


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Guest Ali & Jay
emailed university and nmc request done.

employers next!

Hi just as a bit of reassurance I got my AHPRA registration approval in 5 weeks. Just make sure you go through the check list and include all the documents they request in the format they request. Also with the NMC make sure AHPRA know about you before the NMC send them the statement of good standing otherwise AHPRA will disregard it and you may have to get it sent again at an additional cost. Also, AHPRA request a copy of your statement of entry. I thought this was the annual letter we get with out pin card attached but it's not. Sorry if you already know this but I found it is nearly as expensive to send one document airsure as it was the whole application! Oh yeah and send your application airsure that way you can track when AHPRA have received it! Good Luck!

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Guest Duchess

excellent! did you get a permanent post of agency?


this ahpra is driving me a bit mad. one thing after another and its the waiting for people to send me stuff thats stressing me out also.


actually- do you know the english language bit, it asks for qualifications done in english and wants a transcript. does this mean I have to provide a/level and gcse transcripts too?

waiting for ahpra to respond to my enquirey. I expect they'll be sick of me once its done!! lol x

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Guest Ali & Jay

I'm just going through the process of getting a job. I needed my AHPRA before I could start applying. I'm going for a sponsored job with western Australia department of health.


With regards to the English language. I sent my uni transcript and all my NVQ and GCSE certificates and a screen print of the date I enrolled on my masters course and anticipated date of completion. My certificates included a module breakdown and the dates of completion. I was concerned I couldn't prove the duration of study as only my uni transcript had a start date. AHPRA accepted what I sent which in total covered more than a 5 year period. I decided to send everything on the basis too much info is better than too little! But be aware the cost for certified copies varies greatly. Fortunately I got my papers done for a half hour fee of £125. But the notary said had he known how much I had he would of charged me more!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Duchess


thanks for the advice, finally got it all done last week and its in the post or may even be in AHPRA offices now!

its horrendous isnt it! its the chasing documents etc.

I did manage to get my notries done but only £25, but this meant I had to stand in the magistrates for a few hours which is another story....lol!

so I'm just waiting now, I hope its as quick as yours then I can stop worrying as we might be over in oct/ nov so the sooner the better really.eek!



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As im a midwife I sent my registration to Darwin AHPRA office as i was told it was processed quicker, mine took about 4 months altogether, it was a bit of a nightmare because they kept changing there minds on different documents requirements but a bit of help from my university helped. just about to apply for my 457 visa now i have a job sorted, cant wait to move now, good luck with it x

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