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Tumble Dryers..... needed or not in Oz ?


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Hi guys, we are about to book our container and im not sure whether to buy a tumble dryer before we leave. We dont have one here but the heating is on all the time so drying isnt an issue but i dont want our clothes drying rock hard over there being outside or struggling to dry them in winter. Am i over reacting/thinking too much into this? Probably...... as my head is all over the place at the minute :arghh::jiggy:



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I managed without one for the first year, more because I am stubborn than anything else, but I caved in and bought one and quite frankly now I wouldnt be without it. Its been raining a lot the last couple of weeks and been cold at night, so you cannot dry things even overnight. Most of the year is fab, if you dont want to put it outside, just hang it up inside and by morning it is dry, but during winter, it will not dry, and there is lots of soggy washing and no radiators to put it on. Our tumble drier cost $300

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We brought ours and got another couple of years out of it before we had to buy another (can't remember the price), but what a god send. As Cath says, winter is the time you'll need it especially if you've got kids and need to dry the school uniforms for Monday. It's been incredibly wet and windy here recently and it's this weather that makes you glad you brought it.

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Energy's been so cheap that insulation hasn't been a concern. It's starting to become one though.

If you're looking at double-glazing, you'll find that having the units made in the UK and shipped over will be better quality and half the price.

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Energy's been so cheap that insulation hasn't been a concern. It's starting to become one though.

If you're looking at double-glazing, you'll find that having the units made in the UK and shipped over will be better quality and half the price.


Oi I work in the commercial glazing industry & yeah ok it is.


Technology here is 20years out of date at best & UPVC is 3times the price of alu windows whereas in the UK it's the other way round.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We have a tumble dryer but have never had to use it. Our house is dry and modern. We have a cloths line rack both inside the launder and outside.

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