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Guest Claire and Brian

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Guest Claire and Brian

Hi, we've been loking at suburbs and just want to get some opinions about some areas, we're looking at the Joondalup area but not sure where in particular, if not Joondalup itself then maybe somewhere near by like Edgewater, Beldon, or Heathridge ect, any advice on these or surrounding areas would be great, or if anyone can reccomend somewhere else. I'm hoping to get a job in one of the hospitals in Perth so will have to commute, prob by train. We're after a family friendly place with good schools and something for the kids to do, can't afford anywhere too expensive,


Thanks Claire

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We live just south of Joondalup shopping centre next to ECU Uni.


Its really quiet and peaceful round here (apart from the odd student - lol), fraid we cant help on Schools as we've no kids but access to the trains is great.


We're renting a 3bed townhouse and it's costing us $420/week. When we first arrived this was a list of areas around Joondalup that one of my work colleagues did for me.


In the main we agreed with all the points, I know a few people point out it's very generalised but might help.


Yes and No’s


· Edgewater-Older houses

· Ashby – Newer Houses

· Sinagra - Newer houses

· Tapping - Newer Houses Mixture

· Connolly – Older Houses

· Carramar - Newer Houses

· Pearsall- Very New houses

· Mindarie – New and expensive

· Hillaries – Middle aged and expensive

· Ocean reef – mixture of old and new also expensive

· Burns Beach – Mixture of old and new

· Sorrento – EXPENSIVE

· Currumbine-Mixture of old and new


So So houses, not GREAT suburbs but not TERRIBLE suburbs

· Heathridge –

· Mullaloo-Mullaloo pub and beach can mean lots of drunkeness

· Cragie

· Padbury

· Greenwood

· Beldon-Got my tire slashed here for no apparent reason.

· Kinross

· Banksia Grove


No’s or places I just wouldn’t recommend

· Wanneroo – LOTS of stabbingsand shootings

· Clarkson – School kids bored running a muck

· Merriwa – Lots of break ins


There are more little suburbs around and when you punch these big ones into real-estate sites it will come up with surrounding suburbs so GOOD LUCK! J

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Guest Claire and Brian

Thank you JaynBev thats really helpful will keep doing our research, it's good to have a basic over view of areas to start with


Cheers Claire

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Hiya Jayn/bev or anyone


We are looking to settle in the south around Mandurah any ideas on the suburbs down there. If anyone could put a little post like this with information I would be more than grateful. My hubby is currently in a little flat in Wannanup little bit to far down but hes saying is very pretty..................... . Would be more than grateful for any advice.


love n light


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Guest alanarob

Hi Jay,


Just wanted to say thanks for that post! My head is exploding with the amount of suburbs lol! Found your info very interesting.



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Guest Duchess

ah thanks for this post and the info jaynbev!


we are looking at tapping atm.

very useful to know about the wanneroo and beldon, definatly something to bear in mind x

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Guest Claire and Brian

Hi elfie, I have family in Mandurah apparently its very nice but I believe its quite well populated with older people, (anyone correct me if I'm wrong), we havn't really looked very far south so can't be of much more help than that I'm afraid



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Guest ansaandanirish

great thread, love the list, looking for new builds to buy in good established areas with good schools if anyone got any advice??


Thanx claire x

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Guest guest1337
We live just south of Joondalup shopping centre next to ECU Uni.


Its really quiet and peaceful round here (apart from the odd student - lol), fraid we cant help on Schools as we've no kids but access to the trains is great.


We're renting a 3bed townhouse and it's costing us $420/week. When we first arrived this was a list of areas around Joondalup that one of my work colleagues did for me.








So because "you" live in Joondalup it's perfect is it? Er NO - not too long ago a Police officer was headbutted outside a JOONDALUP pub and left in a wheelchair and will never be able to work properly ever again! A bouncer was SHOT and wounded outside a club in JOONDALUP. Just saying you get trouble and problems everywhere and there isn't any [place on earth that's perfect. I like Joondalup and surrounding area's I lived here for 5 years without incident.


You should be mindful of what you write on a public forum, don't forget alot of people will live in the suburbs your workmate has slagged off! Maybe you can tell us where exactly your workmate lives then others including me can give our opinion on there chosen suburb!!??


To claire and Brian, do you own research and live wherever you want to, and where suits you! don't discount an area just on one persons opinion! It's your life, your money so live where you want to. At the end of the day I nor the other posters know you, will probably never meet you, nor really ever care where you end up living!!!



Thank you and good night!

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Hi Mary


In my opinion, avoid the ares north of the city such as Lakelands, Meadow Springs and Secret Harbour. The better areas are south of the city. Have a look at Southport, Wannunup, Port Bouvard, Sea Scapes, Halls Head, Falcon and to some extent Eskine and Dudly Park. Though be a bit careful on the later as part is great and part not so.


Some parts of Mandurah city are fine, though most of the best areas are apartments and VERY expensive.


There are other great parts, but this will give you a good start.



Hiya Jayn/bev or anyone


We are looking to settle in the south around Mandurah any ideas on the suburbs down there. If anyone could put a little post like this with information I would be more than grateful. My hubby is currently in a little flat in Wannanup little bit to far down but hes saying is very pretty..................... . Would be more than grateful for any advice.


love n light


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Guest levimouse

"You should be mindful of what you write on a public forum, don't forget alot of people will live in the suburbs your workmate has slagged off! Maybe you can tell us where exactly your workmate lives then others including me can give our opinion on there chosen suburb!!??


To claire and Brian, do you own research and live wherever you want to, and where suits you! don't discount an area just on one persons opinion! It's your life, your money so live where you want to. At the end of the day I nor the other posters know you, will probably never meet you, nor really ever care where you end up living!!!"


Cheshire Cat - I'm not sure their list constituted slagging any areas off. They mentioned 3 areas with some negative comments, that had been passed onto them. I for one found the list very helpful and a good starting point as we are interested in Joondalup. Funnily enough I did wonder why the Wanneroo properties seemed a bit cheaper and maybe this is my answer. However I'm sure most people here will do their own research and not just move somewhere on one persons recommendation.


I think your post was the least helpful and it sounded a little mean IMO. We're here to help each other surely?

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Guest guest1337
Hi Mary


In my opinion, avoid the ares north of the city such as Lakelands, Meadow Springs and Secret Harbour. The better areas are south of the city. Have a look at Southport, Wannunup, Port Bouvard, Sea Scapes, Halls Head, Falcon and to some extent Eskine and Dudly Park. Though be a bit careful on the later as part is great and part not so.


Some parts of Mandurah city are fine, though most of the best areas are apartments and VERY expensive.


There are other great parts, but this will give you a good start.



Secret harbour is south of the river last time I checked!



Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk

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Guest guest1337

]Cheshire Cat - I'm not sure their list constituted slagging any areas off. They mentioned 3 areas with some negative comments, that had been passed onto them. I for one found the list very helpful and a good starting point as we are interested in Joondalup. Funnily enough I did wonder why the Wanneroo properties seemed a bit cheaper and maybe this is my answer. However I'm sure most people here will do their own research and not just move somewhere on one persons recommendation.


I think your post was the least helpful and it sounded a little mean IMO. We're here to help each other surely?




Houses are cheaper in Wanneroo because it's an older area, with older houses, not because it's like moss-side in Manchester! Saying that the block sizes are massive compared to new suburbs so you get a lot more land for your money.


I will always tell it how it is, some don't like it, so go have a cry! I have no intention to be mean, just like the facts to be stated, rather than some third hand incorrect information, that's actually just an opinion with no factual content.


I'm always amazed that some people know everything about Perth having lived here for 5 minutes! Been here 5 years and I would estimate I've not seen two thirds of Perth yet!



Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk

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:; waves from wales :; hello mr stormy


I was looking at Halls Head area from what ive researched also Dudley Park Eskine looks okie dokie also dont know anything about Southport shall have to look at that. Will really decide when I eventually get there I suppose all I know I dont want to be in the north [no offence to anyone].


Thank you


love n light




Hi Mary


In my opinion, avoid the ares north of the city such as Lakelands, Meadow Springs and Secret Harbour. The better areas are south of the city. Have a look at Southport, Wannunup, Port Bouvard, Sea Scapes, Halls Head, Falcon and to some extent Eskine and Dudly Park. Though be a bit careful on the later as part is great and part not so.


Some parts of Mandurah city are fine, though most of the best areas are apartments and VERY expensive.


There are other great parts, but this will give you a good start.

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Guest Stum85

I'm of the opinion if you are looking for trouble it will find you. Living in Glasgow I have never had any problems but it has high crime/murder rate and drugs etc and a bit of a reputation for violence.


I think alot of people are expecting a 'perfect' suburb but nowhere is perfect, well anywhere that most people can afford anyway.


Are there any suburbs in Perth that are really bad ie wouldn't feel safe walking the streets? I just want somewhere where I can bring up kids without having to worry about them going out to play or getting involved in gangs etc.

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Yes. Two that spring to mind are Maddington and parts of Armadale. I used to have to visit the former with work at times and eventually they banned us using public transport there and insisted we use taxis. There are others. Perth in no different to any other major city in the world. It has the same problems



I'm of the opinion if you are looking for trouble it will find you. Living in Glasgow I have never had any problems but it has high crime/murder rate and drugs etc and a bit of a reputation for violence.


I think alot of people are expecting a 'perfect' suburb but nowhere is perfect, well anywhere that most people can afford anyway.


Are there any suburbs in Perth that are really bad ie wouldn't feel safe walking the streets? I just want somewhere where I can bring up kids without having to worry about them going out to play or getting involved in gangs etc.

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Guest Mama no 5



Thanks for that I personally found it useful. I think most people understand that when on a forum the information is an individuals opinion and not everyone will see things/places the same way. That is what I believe formus are for, opinions and peoples experiences. From these views people can go on to research facts e.g. crime statistics for themselves.


In the UK I live in what might be considered a "rough" area (not that far from Moss Side) I wouldn't be offended if someone said it's not a great place to live, because it's not ......But it's ok for me.



We live just south of Joondalup shopping centre next to ECU Uni.


Its really quiet and peaceful round here (apart from the odd student - lol), fraid we cant help on Schools as we've no kids but access to the trains is great.


We're renting a 3bed townhouse and it's costing us $420/week. When we first arrived this was a list of areas around Joondalup that one of my work colleagues did for me.


In the main we agreed with all the points, I know a few people point out it's very generalised but might help.


Yes and No’s


· Edgewater-Older houses

· Ashby – Newer Houses

· Sinagra - Newer houses

· Tapping - Newer Houses Mixture

· Connolly – Older Houses

· Carramar - Newer Houses

· Pearsall- Very New houses

· Mindarie – New and expensive

· Hillaries – Middle aged and expensive

· Ocean reef – mixture of old and new also expensive

· Burns Beach – Mixture of old and new

· Sorrento – EXPENSIVE

· Currumbine-Mixture of old and new


So So houses, not GREAT suburbs but not TERRIBLE suburbs

· Heathridge –

· Mullaloo-Mullaloo pub and beach can mean lots of drunkeness

· Cragie

· Padbury

· Greenwood

· Beldon-Got my tire slashed here for no apparent reason.

· Kinross

· Banksia Grove


No’s or places I just wouldn’t recommend

· Wanneroo – LOTS of stabbingsand shootings

· Clarkson – School kids bored running a muck

· Merriwa – Lots of break ins


There are more little suburbs around and when you punch these big ones into real-estate sites it will come up with surrounding suburbs so GOOD LUCK! J

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Guest Duchess


Thanks for the thread, makes for interesting reading ;)

I've found it useful reading peoples opinions on places, as someone mentions above we are here to help each other.


anyway, I've been looking at some different suburbs online, does anyone know anything about Butler, Connolly, Quinns Rock and Clarkson? I've 2 small children so just want to be somewhere nice for them :)


Thanks x

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