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i am new and have toooo much questions :)

Guest VictoriaN

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Guest VictoriaN



i am very new to this website/forum....but i have plenty questions....and we are moving to WA Perth from UK-LONDON/Luton

in January my boyfriend has been offered a job in perth...so we have finally got a green light and we are heading to perth in few weeks....he has been sponsered and i am going on the back of his visa....is this mean that i have rights to work as well??? i am currently working for randstad in headoffice as accounts manager, and i really love my job and what i do...and i was hoping to find similar job in australia perth??? would i be able to get/find job within accounting/finance industry??? and what is salarywise in there???? is anyone can help me with answers regarding medic care or health care???how does it work????

also, i am so scared about dangerous creatures in australia...but i start reading about them and so scared...is anyone knows if WA Perth has or any one saw them and what was reaction...courtion...action....?????????

what about house holds??? cheap or expensive???? is it worth it to ship some households toWA Perth from UK??? or it will work out the same....what is the best online websites for price comparison.....what would you recommend.....????

Accomodation ??? how expensive??? travel ??? shops.... please help as my head is going mad....


I would be so greatfull if anyone can help me with answers....and i hope i will be pleased by moving to WA Perth

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Guest Duchess



I'm new here too but reading your thread am in a similar position.


when I'm at home later I'll reply properly as at work now. but I had all these questions too last week and will be more than happy to help you.


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Hello, welcome to the site - I'll try to answer these from our view point.




i am very new to this website/forum....but i have plenty questions....and we are moving to WA Perth from UK-LONDON/Luton

in January my boyfriend has been offered a job in perth...so we have finally got a green light and we are heading to perth in few weeks....he has been sponsered and i am going on the back of his visa....is this mean that i have rights to work as well??? If its a 457 visa then I believe you can also work




i am currently working for randstad in headoffice as accounts manager, and i really love my job and what i do...and i was hoping to find similar job in australia perth???Look on seek.com.au for jobs and you can start applying in the UK, we did & secured work before we flew



would i be able to get/find job within accounting/finance industry? If you have skills and experience then people will deffo consider you



and what is salarywise in there????


is anyone can help me with answers regarding medic care or health care???how does it work??? Medicare is a subsidy for when you go to the docs etc. You pay the bill then swipe you get an amount back from medicare into your account. Private health covers the costs of dental, eyes, physio, ambulance, hospitals etc so deffo worth getting

also, i am so scared about dangerous creatures in australia...but i start reading about them and so scared...is anyone knows if WA Perth has or any one saw them and what was reaction...courtion...action....???????? you will encounter Redback spiders but they small and easiely avoided / squashed, we've not seen a snake in 6 months



what about house holds??? cheap or expensive???? look on realestate.com.au but it is expensive over here, mind you get a lot of space for the money too


is it worth it to ship some households toWA Perth from UK??? or it will work out the same....what is the best online websites for price comparison.....what would you recommend.....????a bit of both - newer stuff & some electical goods bring with you, older goods you might find its just better to replace, try goodguys.com.au for electrical, harvey norman for others & there is an ikea in Perth too.



Accomodation ??? how expensive??? travel ??? shops.... please help as my head is going mad....


I would be so greatfull if anyone can help me with answers....and i hope i will be pleased by moving to WA Perth



Hope this helps

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Ok you might want to tone down the number of question marks and stop panicking!


On a 457 or any work visa the spouce can work unrestricted, so you will be fine in that department.


Accounts/Finance work, it seems to be a tricky market for that at the moment - make sure you've got your CV up to date and have customised it for the Australian market (google Australian CV and you'll see some templates). I've got a friend who's not managed to get work in that area, although he's on a WHV so that has put people off. I also work with accountants who are looking for work and haven't been successful so far, Perth is a tough market for some so you have to come prepared to take a rubbishy job to get the better job - it's very much 'who you know' not 'what you know'.


If you are coming on a 457 then your partner will have had to take out medical insurance as it's a condition of the visa. You'll also get medicare which gives you a rebate on certain things (like GP visits) but only up to a certain amount, you will have to pay the difference.


We've lived here a year now and have not come across any 'dangerous creatures', there are bugs and spiders around, but you get used to them. The main things we've had in our flat are catapillers, millipeeds and cockroaches. Not particularly pleasant, but not dangerous in any way.


Stuff is expensive out here, no one will tell you any different. So if you do have furniture and household goods to bring it's certainly worth shipping them. Competition for rentals is fierce, so be prepared to have to work quite hard to secure the one you want - probably a full time job for one of you! You can look on realestate.com.au or domain.com.au to give you an idea - but be warned, most people are having to pay $50-$100 per week extra to secure something.


I'm not sure what you are wanting to price compare? They don't really do that kind of thing out here, which is rather annoying. Would love moneysupermarket.com to break into the aussie market!


Travel? Shops? - What exactly do you want to know?

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Guest pat and mike

don't panic. we're very civilised here. we're full of poms to help you. our houses are generally more modern than those in blighty. we drive on the right side of the road ie the left ! i've never met anyone who knows anyone who's been bitten by a snake..or a spider, come to think of it....seriously, think of it as being very anglicised with plenty of job opportunities (like many places, once you've got a job you'll find it easier to move on to a second) ..but its also like living in the Med but without crowds. come out with nervous excitement, but not fear !! you'll be right !!


also, when you're out here, don't start comparing it to the UK, cos it aint the UK: we don't have pubs on every corner and the traffic is getting heavier, but it still moves more freely...and people say hello to you in the street !!



where's your partner working?..might be easier to start focussing on where you want to live....

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Guest VictoriaN

thank you very mucg for all your replies...great at least am not the one...x


also, when you migrate how many bags you were allowed to take???? and if you are taking extra bags, how much did you pay????

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hi viki

i think the bag allowance weight etc depends on the airline you fly with and if you can make arrangements to up the kg allowance. i know with quantas im only allowed 1 bag for the hold at 23kg and 1 carry on of at 7kg ....................... am not paying for extra luggage will make do for 4 weeks till container arrives as i follow on in 5 weeks after it left yesterday :o)

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You need to look for a carrier who offers slightly more standard allowance, as if your visa is temporary, you're not classed as migrating and won't be offerred extra baggage allowance generally


Have a quick search of the forum/older threads, you'll probably find a lot of the answers you need

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Guest pat and mike

when we emigrated (7yrs ago) we were told on booking the ticket that Emirates allow a 50% increase in baggage allowance if you tell them you're emigrating...you have to have a oneway ticket to convince them tho at checkin.


then the day we were leaving we weighed our bags and couldn't remember exactly what the allowance was, so we rang emirates...only to find they did not offer extra for emigrating !


being "over" we had little choice but to go with it. we rocked up early at the checkin and i told the staff member we were emigrating that's why we had used the extra 50% allowance....blah blah blah we had a little chat on where we were going to live etc...and she just checked them all in and wished us a happy life !!! phew

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Guest VictoriaN

HI everyone:)

this website is brilliant as before, i was panicking...now being on this website i can see that everyone is supporting each other....which is great ....x

Can i ask you also what is cost of living in Perth or close to perth???

Food shopping

Health insurance or medic care

car cost and fuel and other costs for car



is there is council tax??? or similar to council tax?


mobile and which is the best network

going out?

tv license

road tax?


travel cost by train or bus weekly


I really appreciate if you can give an idea...sorry to be a pain...x i would be greatfull if anyone of you can help me.. :)x

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Guest VictoriaN

oh wow good news about it...well me and my boyfriend....we are flying on 9 of august ...and he was sponsored by the company he is going to work for....so our visa for four years...and he wants to carry his golf clubs....so i want to have at least two luggage bags...:)

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Guest pat and mike

a lot of these items depend on where you live and how much you eat/drink/socialise so it's difficult to answer. some costs seem to have gone up a lot in the last couple of years and the exchange rate has fluctuated: basically we have a better standard of living here and a better quality of life overall, yet we're doing the same sort of stuff we did in the uk.


that doesn't specifically answer anything, but should reassure you that it'll be alright.......hopefully others will confirm life's better here ...


....and we don't have tv licences !!

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