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Anyone in or around Greenwood?

Guest Claire Daniels

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Guest Claire Daniels

Hi, I'm 29 years old and my husband is 30. We are expecting our first baby in November. We emigrated to Oz last year and have not long moved to Greenwood. Anyone looking for friendship and want to meet for coffee and cake?

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Guest BiancaJacobSimon

Hi I just moved to Perth just over two weeks ago, I have a 21 month old boy and currently unemployed and looking for someone to have chats with. I am 29, husband couple of years older. We are renting for 6 months in Clarkson, and tend to use the tube and buses as don't have a car. We're trying to work out the best place to live! My husband is starting his new job tomorrow, and I am trying to work out how I start the tremendous task of settling here! Let me know a bit more about yourself, would be fun to meet up.


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Guest suzy+1

Hi, not sure where greenwood is?? but me and my 3 yr old daughter moved here in feb this yr, finding it hard to meet people so would be good to catch up with anyone who wants to, currently living in shenton park (near CBD).


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Guest BiancaJacobSimon
Hi, not sure where greenwood is?? but me and my 3 yr old daughter moved here in feb this yr, finding it hard to meet people so would be good to catch up with anyone who wants to, currently living in shenton park (near CBD).



Hi again, email me on biancajacobsimon@yahoo.com and we can arrange soemthing? I have looked on map and Shenton Park is off the Shenton Park subway stop (who would have known?!). There are also some get togethers aslready happening that I have seen on this forum, I am emailing round trying to see groups for toddlers and any groups with children meeting up soi I will keep you informed. Might just rganise somethng myself. Have a lovely day, looks like it is going to be a good one!

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Guest Claire Daniels

Hi, Great to hear from you both!

Greenwood is about 15km's north of Perth CBD. Its just off the freeway at Warwick Road. We did live in Tapping near Joondalup when we first got to Perth but after 6 months of renting there, we realised we wanted to be closer to the city, transport and shops etc. Greenwood is great so far, we love it!

I'm still working, only have 8 weeks to go until I leave to have baby. I'm working as a Phlebotomist (taking blood) for St John of God. My husband John works for iinet (broadband company) in the city as a Development Manager.

We're loving living in Perth, miss family and friends though but know we have done the right thing for our future. We're from a town near Oxford called Chipping Norton.

Where are you both from? Making friends is not as easy as we thought it would be. We have friends from the UK who live in Melbourne and they made loads of friends through the Victoria equilivent to this website so I thought I would give it a go. We are with them in Melbourne now and have met there friends and its been great. They all get on so well and are all in the same boat so can relate to each other.

Let me know more about yourselves and then we can see if we can organise a meet up. Would be great to get to know each other before the summer starts so we can have loads of barbies!

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Guest BiancaJacobSimon

Hoepfully I am posting this in the right area, I am confusing myself by trying to watch my son and do the PC stuff...


I am 29, with a 21 month old son, and a husband a couple of years older than me. We moved here 2 weeks ago, prior to that we travelled in Thailand for a month, and before that were living out of suitcases at anyones house that would take us. I worked as a public health intelligence analyst before leaving that to come here, I sort of like it as I enjoy public health but there wasn't much growth. Even though I undertook a masters to do that position, i am thinking of changing career again, but while I decide and job hunt, looking after my son!


In my spare time, I like to be active, hence the dream of coming here and being near the sea and in the outdoors. I like running, hot and asthanga yoga, I say I like to do but it is difficult to get the time at the moment as we are so unsettled, and childcare etc. So I dream of us being settled enough so I can do some hobbies. Not sure if Clarkson is the best location but time and advice from others will tell, and we're only here 6 months.


I'm not much of a drinker, but I do like sparkling wine and the occassional night out. I prefer friendly BBQs, movie nights and dinners to crazy raves! I am not the best at making friends, I am a bit reserved I have to admit, so also hoppe that I can meet people through this site!


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Guest BiancaJacobSimon

Oh by the way, Chipping Norton? I think I worked near there, I lived in Evesham and it was a half hour commute... I was from Leicestershire, sort of, originally from Farnham in Surrey but moved around every couple of years since I was 14

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Guest annacarter



We have been here about 2 months and living in Tapping, we are originally from London. I am 34 and have an 18month old son and currently not working but plan to in the next few months. Would be good to meet up with others so let me know if you arrange a meet.



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Guest BiancaJacobSimon


We have been here about 2 months and living in Tapping, we are originally from London. I am 34 and have an 18month old son and currently not working but plan to in the next few months. Would be good to meet up with others so let me know if you arrange a meet.




Hi Anna.

What type of job are you looking for? I am also on the lookout and sizing up how to best find childcare!



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Guest suzy+1

Hi, i am from the isle of wight and am currently working at hollywood private hospital.

Im definatly up for any meets if im not working, but am useless with a map and always end up lost!

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Guest annacarter

I work as a freelance Publisher so can work from home its just if I can get the work.... Childcare I have booked my son in for a day a week in daycare starting in a few weeks time just so he is mixing with other kids.


Hope to meet you all soon.



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Guest Claire Daniels

Hi Anna, where do you live? I was thinking of organising a meet up at a coffee shop at Whitfords Shopping Centre as that is in the middle of us so far and should be accessible by public transport too. If this is ok with you all then shall we meet up this Thursday at 2pm if this is convenient for everyone as well?

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Guest annacarter

Hi Claire


I live in Tapping so Whitfords is fine for me, will be there about 2.30 if thats OK as we are moving that day. It will work out well as my husband can be at the house and it gets me out of the house with my son. Moving with an 18 month old is impossible!



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Guest Allgood Girl

I would love to have come along on Thursday but unfortunately can't make it.


Next time you organise something though count me in!!


Anna didn't really get to talk to you yesterday. Hope things go okay with the move. Are you just moving to another house in Tapping????

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Guest Claire Daniels

Yep lets change it to 2.30pm for tomorrow, thats fine with me. There is a coffee shop called Jamaicablue (I think thats whats it called!), its in the middle of the shopping centre. Its by JB HiFi and Lincraft and there is usually a FOXtel stand near it. If you go in the entrance by BIG W, its just round the corner as if you are walking to the food court area.

If you up for it girls then email me @ clairedaniels192@yahoo.co.uk so we can sort out the particulars of how to recognise each other etc.

For the girls that can't make it, don't worry hopefully we will meet up again.

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Guest annacarter

Hi Laura


The house we were in orginally was only for 8 weeks so we are moving to another house in tapping more longterm tomorrow. Hope to catch up with you soon.



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Guest Leigh

Hi Claire


Have you seen the other thread about meet ups in Mindarie? A few of us met up at the Coffee Deck in Mindarie yesterday, & are meeting again next week, could turn into a regular thing. Come & join us if you don't think it's too far?


Good luck with the house move Anna.



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Guest Claire Daniels

Thanks Leigh, I'm all new to this so missed that link. Would love to meet up, let me know the details. Mindarie isn't too far for me.

Plus if anyone is reading this that would like to meet up for coffee then we are meeting tomorrow (thursday) at 2.30pm at Jamicablue coffee shop at Whitfords shopping centre. I have long blond hair and am 25 weeks pregnant so kinda hard to miss. See you there hopefully.

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Guest Leigh

We're meeting at the Coffee Deck at Mindarie Marina (next to the Boat pub) at 12.30pm Tuesday. Most of the women that came have only been here a very short time. It's a great way to make new friendships if it continues as a regular meet.

Hope to see you there.



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Guest Claire Daniels

Met up with Anna & Bianca today for coffee and cake. Thanks girls, it was really nice to meet you both and the boys.

I thought I was going to be able to meet up at the Mindarie get together on tuesday but I've just checked my diary and my hours at work have changed on a tuesday so I'm working until 3.30pm! Sorry!

John and I will try and make this sunday get together in the park though.

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