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realistic wages?

Guest michelle

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Guest michelle

Hi all,

My husband currently works for 'ford motor' company as a maintance engineer, has a degree in electronic's and endless experience in air-conditioning. All sounds good, but what are we looking at him earning, realistically, wages wise. He currently earns around £40k ayr, we have a 4bedded house, 2 small kids and I work as a nurse part-time. When we move to Perth, we are hoping that I want have to work. But will my husband earn more or less then what he earns here? Very hard to judge.......some jobs my husband says he could do 'standing on his head'..and wages are better, but then some aren't!

When in perth we will be looking for a 4beded house, with a pool or room for a pool. But is this affordable on onw set of wages??????

Am starting to get worried........

I don't mind working, but my job as a senior cancer nurse, can be very stressfull. A new country....no friends/family........new house......new money,transport,schooling,shops,bills, etc........All of which is going to be stressfull in itself. My kids are 4yrs and 2yrs, so have at least 3yrs before both kids are in full-time school. Childcare will end up costing alot if I have do shift work too...........

Not sure where are financial status is going to be now...Don't want to move all that way and end up worse off and with no friends/family.....


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Guest Leeroy1973

Hi Michelle


I was in Perth at the beginning of July and can confirm that my trade BMS engineer is paying the same in Perth give and take a few pounds.

With regards to houses if your looking for a house with 4 Beds and a pool and you want to rent then its between $350-$600 per week depending on the suburb you want to live, it gets cheaper away from the sea. If you want to buy then you will be looking at around $400-$500K again depending on where you want to live, places like Hillarys, Ocean Reef are expensive but Padbury, Woodvale are not bad areas and are a little cheaper.





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