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Primary schools in Joondalup

Guest Si3370

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Guest Si3370

Please can anybody help with requirements for getting a 4 year old into a primary school in the Joondalup area? I have just been offered a job in Perth (which has been accepted!) but my eldest son is due to start primary school in the UK this September and looking at some posts it looks like most of the primary schools in the Perth area seem full?

Is there anything i can do to start the process from the UK? or is it better to wait untill i am "in counrty"


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Guest Si3370

Many thanks Tony, I shall wait then until i arrive and get sorted out. My son is only 4 so a couple of months will not effect his ongoing education i doubt. I just didnt want to get out to Perth and find out that "you would of been better off starting this process before leaving the UK".

Thanks once again.


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