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Middlesbrough family new to Rockingham

Guest Cobbaskye

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Guest Cobbaskye

Hiya, we have been in Rockingham for three months and are keen to meet families for drinks, barbies etc. Hubby at work all day so I'm starting to get a little bored ... to say the least, so could do with some crack and gossip with the lasses !!!!


Hope there are some similar people out there.



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Guest dave&cris

hi nikki only here 2 weeks in simlar way we came 2gether me huddy dave and daughter 5 shes startin school next week lookin at houses at mo in rockkinham

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Guest joemilmoss

Hi nikki,i hope your settling in well. Were in rockingham from middlesbrough area,me,hubby and 3 kids,we have been here 10 months would be great to meet u. Kelly

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Guest joemilmoss

Hi nikki,i hope your settling in. Where in rockingham from middlesbrough area me,hubby and 3 kids,we have beem here 10 months would be great to meet up. Kelly

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Guest Cobbaskye
Hi nikki,i hope your settling in. Where in rockingham from middlesbrough area me,hubby and 3 kids,we have beem here 10 months would be great to meet up. Kelly



Hi Kelly, would love to meet up, where abouts are you ? We are in Warnbro. Not sure how this works as all rather new to me. Do we just meet up or chat on ere or fb first ?? Ha it's like dating again, don't know what the 'rules' are !! Lol


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Guest Cobbaskye
We are just going through the visa process at the moment. We hope to move to Rockingham when we arrive :) Me & my husband have a 22 month old & 4 year old!! Fingers crossed we get visas by christmas!!



Hiya, Rockingham is a good choice so hope you get yr visa soon. Give me a shout when you get here or if you need any info xx

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Guest dave&cris
Hi nikki,i hope your settling in well. Were in rockingham from middlesbrough area,me,hubby and 3 kids,we have been here 10 months would be great to meet u. Kelly



hey kelly

im david 27 wife christina 25 daughter 5 from galway ireland,only here 2 weeks i,m workin all week in bibra lake as a mechanic

livin in golden bay at the min daughter is starting school next week in rockinham hopin to move up that area in the next week or 2

lookin ta meet up wit new people for ta craic or play dates for the young ones

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Hi Nikki

We are a Stockton family moving out Oct 9th but heading out to the Butler area so will be in the same boat as you very soon, hope you make many friends soon... us northern girls are always good fun to be around!!!

Keep us posted. Good Luck


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Hiya, Rockingham is a good choice so hope you get yr visa soon. Give me a shout when you get here or if you need any info xx



Thank you Nikki :) My husband works in IT do you know any IT companies?? And do you have any recommendations regarding the primary schools?

Edited by gem1986
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Guest Cobbaskye

Hiya, not sure of any IT companies sorry but with regards to schools it all depends on where you live. Outside of the City, there are loads of like big estates (called Suburbs) and every estate has a shopping complex, parks and a state Primary School (don't think there are as many High Schools). You have to live within the estate for the child to go to that school but if you want them to go to another one, you have to go and see the Head Master and they they decide if there are any free places. Further to that there are loads of Private schools which aren't like UK private schools as in the prestige and the cost but loads of children go to them for various reasons, you don't have to live within a catchment area to send your child to one of these. You really need to decide where you are living and take it from there. My daughters been to two already and we've only been here 3 months !!


Hope that helps, probably rambled on a load of rubbish ! lol


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Hi Nikki


Thanks very much for that info its really helpful!


Speak soon




Hiya, not sure of any IT companies sorry but with regards to schools it all depends on where you live. Outside of the City, there are loads of like big estates (called Suburbs) and every estate has a shopping complex, parks and a state Primary School (don't think there are as many High Schools). You have to live within the estate for the child to go to that school but if you want them to go to another one, you have to go and see the Head Master and they they decide if there are any free places. Further to that there are loads of Private schools which aren't like UK private schools as in the prestige and the cost but loads of children go to them for various reasons, you don't have to live within a catchment area to send your child to one of these. You really need to decide where you are living and take it from there. My daughters been to two already and we've only been here 3 months !!


Hope that helps, probably rambled on a load of rubbish ! lol


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Guest Cobbaskye

Hi karen, thanks for replying. Where is Butler like ? Far from Rockingham ? Have met a couple of lasses this week actually which has been lovely, at least I have people to text .... mind you they might not reply like !! lol Its a weird rollercoaster of emotions (to coin a cheesy phrase) so be prepared ... Good luck with the move and if Butler not to far, might meet up with you one day xxx

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