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457 visa and medicare

Guest harrybobin

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Guest harrybobin

Hi everyone


Please can someone give me some advice.


My husband and I are due to be moving to Perth at the end of the year on a 457 visa and I am totally confused about medicare. Does this automatically come off both of our wages or is this something we pay for seperately? Also how much does it cost?


Many thanks



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Medicare is a bit like the NHS. There is a levy included in your tax to pay for it. If you have private health care then you get money back, depending on your income. When you arrive you go on line or pop into one of the shops and fill in a form and they send you a card. Then when you go to see a gp or something you hand over your card and you get a proportion of the doctors fee back into your bank. Docs, normally charge about $65 and medicare gives you about $35 back

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we didnt get a health care plan with the 457 we didnt get sod all except the flight mine yet to be used but then the company my hubby works for is **** and im not afraid to state so either at some point i will state who they are also for others to avoid them at all costs

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