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Urgent query from a year 10 parent!! likely to arrive

Guest ashishchandra123

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Guest ashishchandra123

Hi! High school children parents & teachers fraternity,

We're 6 weeks away from flying to Perth so we're desperately trying to sort out

schooling for our 15 year-old son who is doing year 10 in Muscat Indian school CBSE.


I am searching on net but unable to finalise the area where we have to land up?& rent a flat...

It looks that the schools will only talk to you once you've arrived, make house lease

filled out the application form of the domain school.

I am very nervous as we are reaching in August almost last semester in year 10,and I

dont want my son to sit idle @ home . I want my son should get admission in some govt

school enable to keep his morale high and atleast an unemployed parent will be free at

his children education part!!!!......

someone who came across with similar situation how did you end up doing ? kindly

suggest some schools names which give admission in mid session to new migrants...

anticipating your quick


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you are right - you can't enroll at a school until you have decided where to live and have an address in Perth. Where you live will depend on income and how much you want to spend on rent - it is difficult to decide. The important years are Year 11 and 12 so I would not worry too much about your son missing some school - he will still have al least a term at school before Year 11 and that will give him the chance to make some friends.

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Guest ashishchandra123

Hi! Sal, thanks for your reply.

Dear You mean to say what ever area I will select to live , my son may get admission for the closing 4 months in running year 10 class of that area assigned schools. .... .much relief!!!!!

It would be great help if you suggest some reputed govt schools.

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as long as you live within the catchment area then you should be Ok. The best government schools are in the most expensive areas I'm afraid - as the school reputation pushes up the rental price. These are the ones I know are great - Rossmoyne high school, Shenton College, Churchlands, Applecross, Duncraig, Willeton, Carine High School. That should give you a start.

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Guest ashishchandra123

Great Sal, Thanks for your quick reply and as you rightly said it will give me a good start to explore more.

Be with me to find me more.


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Guest ashishchandra123

If someone initially stays in hotel apartments, whether school will honour (provionally) the parents or they outrightly ask for rent lease to give admission.

I did not get some confirm reply for admission of my son likely to join year 10 in last semester, is there any parent who has his own experience for his child admission laste in the academic session.



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Son just started in Yr 9 @ Carine High School and so far they have been excellent. A ridiculous amount of Maths homework (2 hrs per night) but apart from that excellent. They wouldnt see us before we had the tennancy agreement. We signed the agreement on a Sunday afternoon, had a meeting with school on Thursday and he started the following Monday! Not sure if you have younger children but its the same with primary schools. The 'spare time' between arriving and starting school is important as it does take some time to settle into life here so that time can be used to thier advantage! Also renting is a competetive gam here, with numerous people wanting the same house especially in good school areas.All I can tell you is our son is in Carine and we live in Karrinyup. The western australia education site is a really useful place to have a read if you havent already! Good luck

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