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Murdoch College

Guest theconnells

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Guest theconnells

Hi everyone we have now arrived in Perth and are on the hunt for good schools. We are looking to move to a rental in South Perth and like the look of Atwell, any one give us any advice on this area.

We have been told by so many people that alot of the publis schools are not good so we wondered if anyone had kids going to Murdoch College and what they thought of it?

Any help appreciated, both my husband and I hope to get work in the CBD. I am a nurse and hubby a technical illustrater, our son is 12 years old.

Also looking for friends!!



Jacki, Kevin and Sean:)

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Hi, I live near murdoch and I haven't heard of anything bad about the college, it is well served by the train station, then it can be a short walk or bus ride to the college. It depends on public schools, some have really good reputations. My daughter is 13 and is in the academic extension programme at Leeming High School, she says the work is challenging and interesting. All schools I believe teach the same curriculum. Apparently WA teachers are being awarded a massive pay rise which will put them at the highest paid in the country (of course it may be a watch this space)... the result (if it happens) is that private schools may have to increase their fees in order to offer competative rates to their staff.



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Guest theconnells

Hi Ali

Thanks for your reply. Can I ask what the academic extension programme is? We are hoping to rent in Leeming which would be a short commute to Murdoch, however I had heard that Leeming high was a good school....one of few according to everyone we talk too. Like yourselves we only want to do the best for our kids!!

Do you rent in Leeming also or have you made the leap to buy?

Sorry for all the questions!

Jacki, Kevin and Sean

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Hi, We bought in Leeming. The areas surrounding Leeming all seem to have good reputations for schools. The Academic Extension Programme is the gifted and Talented programme but really is a programme that challenges more able students .... The school does have a website .... http://www.leeming.wa.edu.au


You're right about it being close to Murdoch, it's a short bus ride or about 10 - 15min walk (depends how fast you're going). There's a park and ride at the station, and you're in the city within 10 mins. Drive right down south street and you hit Freo in about 20 mins too.


Leeming and the surrounding suburbs are well served for shops, cinema etc., and not far from Garden City a big shopping Mal



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  • 1 year later...
Guest Bob Tonnor



If you check out locationlowdown.com you should be able to get a reasonable idea of all the services around that particular area including the schools, there is a list of all the schools websites and also the independent schools on there. I cant say i know the areas that well and also what your budget is but again any real estate rentals and sales are on locationlowdown, so it is worth checking out.



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