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Settling in?

Guest kidds

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Hi Everyone

I would just like to ask if some of you would share your moving settling in experiences with me?

My Husband, myself, son George (4) and daughter Lois (1) are hopefully moving to Rockingham this time next year and altho i am very excited and know we are doing the right thing some days i just want to cry and stop the whole process, i tend to be the worrier while my husband looks at the positives all the time, which is great but i feel as if i am trying to find out all the practical stuff all the time while he gets to live the romance of the move.

I am worried that there are many differences between the way of lives between us brits and the oz system and because we are disrupting our childrens lives so much i dont want to not do something which could be really important!

i am really excited about our adventure and know it will be hard but i would just really love to hear some feedback from those who have done all the hard work and can give me some advice and antedotes please?



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You're children won't notice the difference at all. Yes it's different .. i find it a mix of English and American.


For us ... and this is only our experience .. one of the things that helped us settle was starting work/school and getting into a normal rather than holiday mode. We had a couple of weeks doing touristy stuff .. then hubby started work, I went to work 2 weeks later after the kids had started school.


George may be in Kindy or pre-primary (sorry I'm not sure as my children were older), so get yourself involved in that because it will be a great way to meet people/other mums.


I'ts been a cold winter here, and we've found we've not sat out very much as night, whereas during summer, we sat out almost every evening (quite often until midnight ... or at least until the football started lol).


You'll miss the familiarity of things at first and give your right arm for bisto gravy granuels, but that does wear off, you find your feet and food alternatives. My hubby is really pleased that the shops don't open all night - as I used to pop out to Asda for bread and milk and come back with loads of stuff (and usually forget the milk!).


It is an adventure and at times you'll feel a bit tearful and think of the friends you've left behind... remember it took you a long time to develop those friendships and you'll find someone who fits the bill here in Oz too

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Guest moving soon & nervous

Hi Donna You could be describing the emotions I have been experiencing and I did stop the process!! Now I wish I had followed through. Luckily enough my husband and family talked me round and we are now (3 years after starting the process) moving to Peel in 6 weeks. I also have 2 little ones (7 & 5) and my younger princess starts school next week. I have spoken to lots of educational professions on whether to stop my little one starting school as we are taking her out so soon. All have said that the children wont even notice that much of a difference as they adapt so quickly to new environments. I am happy to keep you up-to-date with our progress once we arrive, that's if we ever manage to clear our house and get there!! Jac

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thank you for your response it makes me feel better to hear from others! hope all goes well with the move! where are you heading? please let me know how it goes and any tips on a smooth move would be great!

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Do you keep in contact with friends back in England? Do the family visit? Do you come back often? Any real regrets? is it really all it seems to be? sorry these seem to be the questions you dont get answered on all the visa paprework!

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