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easy or hard to find office admin work?

Guest vickilb77

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Guest vickilb77



Just been reading a thread on PIO and people are saying its hard to get any sort of office adimin work in oz has anybody found this to be true in Perth ?

Please tell me its not im starting to worry!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest emi-great

Hi we have seen a lot of people move here & in general most people seem to find jobs relatively easily... I think its a matter of taking what is on offer & keeping an eye out for something more suitable if its not in your usual field. A lot of offices here use a system called Quickbooks or MYOB for their accounting so it might be an idea to take a short course when you arrive


Meanwhile check out these sites for jobs








Good luck with the move



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest -x-caz-x-

if you look in the paper there is loads of office/admin jobs posted weekly. I was here 2 weeks before getting an admin job in a real estate office and didnt even have experience!

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