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Social life dilemas

Guest janaya

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Guest janaya

Hi there,

I have just got my visa and will be moving to Fremantle in next couple of months. I am coming with my friend we are both nurses , thirty (ish!) no kids. Lots of worries and excitement, mostly panic now that it is actually happening! am having some major wobbles at moment about best way to meet people and having a good social life. Is it as hard as I think it is going to be?

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Guest suzy+1

Hi, i think you should be fine! You will meet people at work and everyone is friendly. Heard there are Lots of great places to go out in freo-ill even join you one evening if you like!! I love the cafe strip there, and just mooching about the shops for the day. Im sure you'll love it, not far from perth too. Good luck with it all.

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Guest emi-great



My guess is you will soon make friends through work, we have had a few nurses stay with us & they always comment on how friendly everyone was at the hospitals... so I am sure you will be fine.


Fremantle is a nice place with lovely cafes & there is often things going on there at the weekends so you should find plenty to do


Good luck with the move




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