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Urgent need of friends in Baldivis area

Guest Jane Collins

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Guest Jane Collins

Hi there,


My name is Jane and i'm 25. We moved over to Perth 7 months ago from Middlesbrough area UK. I have a two year old little girl and live in Baldivis. My husband is working away at the mo so i'm finding it quite hard been here on my own. We are still finding it really hard to meet people so if you would like to meet up for a coffee sometime just let me know. :)

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Guest PaulandJemma



We are a young couple and going to be arriving in Perth on 10/09/08. We don't know any one! So would be realy good to meet up with some one in same boat.


Hope you start to find things bit easier, can' be nice being stuck on own.


Take Care


Jemma and Paulxoxox

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Guest suzy+1

Hi, me and my 3 yr old daughter moved to perth in Feb this yr, and dont really know many people either. Would love to catch up over coffee or something. I live in shenton park-just west of CBD.

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Hi Jane


We've been here a year and are finding it slow to meet friends too. We have a 2 year girl and 4 month old boy, and live not far away in Waikiki.


Would love to meet up for a coffee.



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Guest BiancaJacobSimon

Hi I live in Clarkson at the moment, not sure where Baldavis is but we're up North. However, we're going to be moving closer to Perth soon. I have a son who is nearly two, lived here about 6/7 weeks now!

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Guest emi-great



Were hoping to hold a meet up on 21st September the details are on our web site under Local Events


Basically we meet up with new families in Harmony Park at Singleton. Everyone is welcome we love to see new faces & know several new families who will be there.


Pop along if you can




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest emi-great

Hi Guys


So sorry the meeting didnt take place... wasnt the weather awful? No point standing around in a park in a hurricane!!


We will try to organise a local meeting sometime in October but have a couple of family commitments in the next couple of weeks.




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My husband and i moved to Perth about 3 months ago and we are loving it. We are both 29- haven't got any children yet but soon maybe. We live in North Beach so if you want to meet up for some drinks let me know.

Claire and Mike.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest emi-great

Hi Everyone


We are attempting another meeting in Singleton (between Rockingham/Mandurah) on Sunday morning at 10.30 in Harmony Park. If anyone feels like coming along to meet us & have a chat please do so.


By the way it is the Boat show this weekend in Mandurah so if any one is planning a trip to that you could always pop by on the way


Have a good weekend & I hope the weather is good to us this time.





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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest clairewilko10


We are living in Baldivis, well near settlers hills to be precise. I am Claire (37 eek!) and hubby Darryl is studying bricklaying and we have 2 boys ( 7 and 10) at settlers hills primary. We came here on 8 September 2008 from Coventry, and everything is going ok at the moment. If you want to meet up, let me know and I will let you know of my number. Cheers Claire.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest juliefraser

Hi Claire


My name is Julie and I live in Rockingham, not too far away from you. I am 42 years old and am lookig for some new friends, as I'm very bored all day when kids are at school! If you fancy meeting up for coffee, let me know. I am from Leicester originally and I married an aussie.:Rofl:

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Guest clairewilko10


Thanks for your invite. Yeah it would be good to meet up. I am busy this week cleaning 3 houses and housework, school etc.

Next week would be good. Where abouts are you in Rockingham? How old are your kids etc? How long have you been here?



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Guest emi-great



We try to hold regular meets at Singleton (half way between Rockingham/Madurah) anyone is welcome. We just had a sucessful meeting last Sunday & probably cant manage another until January. Any one is welcome to come ... the more the merrier we say. Keep an eye on our forum for the next one & pop along to say "hi" they are always friendly




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Guest juliefraser

Hi Claire


I live quite close to Rockingham City shops (off Rae Rd), My oldest son is 14, my daughter is 12 and my youngest son is 6. I've lived in Australia for a few years but could do with meeting some new people, since my kids are at school all day, i'm getting pretty lonely! I still get homesick too! My husband also works away, 3 weeks on and 1 week off.

When you have a free day let me know and we can maybe meet up. My email address is juliefraser66@hotmail.com. Not sure whether we give out phone numbers on site or not so best to email me with it.

See ya Julie:Rofl:

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Burmans

Hi Peeps,


This is a little off message for this thread but I was looking for some advice. I moved here with my wife and 2 kids in January. My wife and I and our son (10) are loving it and don't miss England much at all, however my daughter (15) is (rather predictably) dying of homesickness and its really screwing me up to watch her suffer so bad. There is nothing I can say to her that helps, we have been over and over it and she misses her, group of girl friends, her boyfriend, the cold weather, her nannys, her old school, yellow street lamps (!), you name it.


We are in Waikiki and she is at Safety Bay Senior High. she is a bright kid and is doing very well at school (brighter than I ever was) and she has made some friends, but of course she isn't so close to them as she was to the girls in the UK who she had known for three years.


My wife says we should see about getting her some counselling, which I think is a good idea. We have the school we can talk to about that and also my wife's work offers free counselling for family as well, so we have options.


Sorry, just getting a little depressed myself now :-(


Thanks for listening.


Wayne in Waikiki

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Guest clairewilko10

Sorry to hear this, its not good when the kids arn't happy. We have 2 boys aged 7 and 10 we could meet up if you like so your son can make new mates. We live in Baldivis, my hubby is a new brickie and I clean to earn some pennies. If you can figure out how to private message me, feel free to and we can swap numbers, cheers. Claire.

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Guest juliefraser

Hi Wayne,

Welcome to Perth! I have been here for a few years now and still get really homesick especially when I go back home for a visit and then come back. Your daughter will settle in eventually, the longer she's here and the more she gets to know her new friends the easier it will get. She's lucky cos there's the internet to keep in touch with everyone in U.K too. I have a daughter that's in year 8 and my son is 15 in year 10 at Rockingham High School. If you and your family fancy getting together sometime, let me know. Good Luck with everything

Julie x

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  • 1 month later...
Guest sammy.n.andy

hey, Im Sam and I am 25 and also from Boro. I have been in Perth for nearly 2 years now, but would like to make a few more friends.


I am due my first baby in 2 weeks, scary!!! but would love to meet up for a cuppa sometime.


I live in South Lake, which is about 15 mins away from Baldivis, if u wana catch up drop me a line :smile:

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Guest clairewilko10

Hi Sammy, good luck with the new arrival!

Would love to meet up with you, don't know where South Lake is, is it nearer Perth? north of Baldivis?

I already have 2 boys aged 10 and 7 (with broken ankle).

If you know how, can you drop me a private message so we can swap numbers?



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  • 3 months later...

i would love to meet up with anyone nearby to baldivis (near rocko). let me know if anyone wants to catch up, im so bored bein at home with kids all the time and not really anyone to talk to


thanks tracy xxx

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  • 4 weeks later...

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