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Is Mullalooa good base?

Guest Di and Ste

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Guest Di and Ste

Hi everyone,

my name is Diane, myself my husband and children want to immigrate to Perth within 2 years!!! We finally decided to get the ball rolling and now it's just happening hee hee!!!!!

We are booking a 'discovery holiday' for around April next year in Mandurah we found some good flights and have looked at homes to rent for a couple of weeks. I have found one in Mullaloo ... does anyone live there / visited there? Is it a good base for myself, hubby and 3 kids?

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Guest guest1337


It has a lovely beach and a very nice hotel overlooking the sea, but like most places these days it has its share of problems, there was a massive brawl in the park next to the beach at christmas last year, although alcohol is now band from the park and cctv cameras have been installed, things have settled down now. Must say we go there quit alot so don't be too concered about my previos comments, it was the usual few total idiots who ruin everything for all the rest of us normal human beings!! To my knowledge no further problems thier, the suburb its self is nice lots of nice expensive properties and good road links to freeway etc.

Good luck

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Guest Di and Ste

thanks for your reply, think we will use the house we have found to rent, just waiting to find out school holiday dates which I receive when the kids go back to school on wednesday then I can book, I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!

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