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AUTISM - Perth

Guest Anita

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Hi everyone... this is my first time on here :rolleyes: Does anyone have any experience or know anything about autism in Perth please? We have a 4.5 year old and need to know more about services before making that final jump. I'd appreciate any thoughts.... thanks from dreary Essex!

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Guest Blackharry
Hi everyone... this is my first time on here :rolleyes: Does anyone have any experience or know anything about autism in Perth please? We have a 4.5 year old and need to know more about services before making that final jump. I'd appreciate any thoughts.... thanks from dreary Essex!


I am a Pom living in Perth and I work for a company that do Early intervention, ABA, DTT for children with Autism. There are a number of providers in Perth. Let me know what sort of intervention you are looking for and I should be able to let you know what is available.

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I am a Pom living in Perth and I work for a company that do Early intervention, ABA, DTT for children with Autism. There are a number of providers in Perth. Let me know what sort of intervention you are looking for and I should be able to let you know what is available.


Hello! Wonderful to have someone reply :) We don't do ABA with Ethan, and he's just about to start school here. It's a spceial school (our choice), but he is high ability end autism and making huge progress. We've been exploring RDi, Son Rise etc. We tend to 'do' a little of everything as not one therapy is just perfect for all (in our view). He has had a year of weekly SALT and is now talking. So I guess we are looking for an all round approach but are very open to other options too. I hope this info. has helped. He is quite sociable, great eye contact - in fact you would not even notice he has autism until he throws a wobbly! If my e-mail helps let me know and i can change my profile. Thank you soooooo much :D

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Guest Blackharry

We do do RDI via a specialist in America, not sure on who does Son Rise. You might find http://www.autismawareness.com.au useful as this seems to have lots of links to different types of intervention. Were you thinking of coming North or South of the river? I work from North so not sure on what is going on south. Hope this is of some help and good luck!

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We do do RDI via a specialist in America, not sure on who does Son Rise. You might find http://www.autismawareness.com.au useful as this seems to have lots of links to different types of intervention. Were you thinking of coming North or South of the river? I work from North so not sure on what is going on south. Hope this is of some help and good luck!
Please Blackharry, don't desert me now!!! We are not sure of areas, Steve will need to travel probably into the City, but major consideration has to be paid to schools and autism 'assistance'. Would you suggest any areas to be better at things like this please? We have relatives in a few places; predominantly Rockingham and the usual 'Brit' hangouts! Please check back here as I will no doubt be picking your brains if that's okay with you? many thanks, Anita
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