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Decisions Decisions !!

Guest whisk4eva1974

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Guest whisk4eva1974

:confused: Hi my name is Alison & I'm in need of a large dose of help with regards to "Where to live in Perth" & I would be very grateful if any of you guys who have made the massive move yourselves, could give me a few pointers. We are at the very very early stages at the moment but need a bit of advice.

I'll let you know a bit about my situation. I am married with no kids, my husband is a bricklayer by trade & I am a foster carer & will soon be a qualified childminder. I am 34 & my husband is 41.

Would any of you guys have any recommendations on areas to live & if there is a good amount of work not just for bricklayers but for childminders too or foster caring?

I would be very appreciative if you could help me.

Kindest Regards,


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Guest guest1337

Hi, both your occupations are in demand over here to be honest.

With regard to where to live, you should probably come over for a holiday and check the place out? It also depends what you like personally, i.e. beach, country or city life? There are alot of lovely places to live here North and south of the river, we live nor and love it up here, lots of great beaches, good shops and house prices are not too high!!! well there high everywhere but we just got a great deal on a 4 by 2.

I guess its personal preference, oh yes there are lots of fellow poms in the northern suburbs too!!!

Where you from in u.k.?

Anything else pm us we're happy to help

All the best with the move.

Andy & Stacey

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Guest whisk4eva1974

Cool !!! That's what We like to hear. So when you say you live up North what area would that be ? We live in Oldham, Manchester at the moment, We do keep ourselves to ourselves really & although we have family only round the corner they don't visit very often & my hubby's family we don't hardly see them, so we know it will probably be tearful when we do decide to come over, but we know that they have all got their own families & will get over it. How long have you guys been over there? Do you regret your decision? Thanks for your help.

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Yes definatly alot of jobs going in childcare. My babysitter registered here for 'agency' type work within childcare and was offered far more work than she could do.

Im more central perth-just west of CBD. I love all of Perth, north and south both great places to live. Alot of Brits in Joondalup and Rockingham. Beaches are great all along the coast.

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Guest guest1337

Hi, we've been here for 15 months now, and loved every minute of life here! I come from Cheshire so not far from you! (Are you united or city fans?)

Northern suburbs well there's lots such as Clarkson, Butler, Mindarie, Jindalee, curummbine, connolly, somerley, kinross, joondalup (city). Greenwood, woodvale, wanneroo, the list goes on and on!

We live in Clarkson and find it great personally, sure it has a couple of issues but where doesn't these days? and nothing onthe scale of u.k town's and cities!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest The.Colebecks

Hello & Welcome to Perth Poms,

We visited Perth in July for a reccie and to validate our visas and loved it :D


Even having visited, to be able to advise people on the best areas to live is practically impossible because you have to see them for yourself and make your own decision based on this, not on other people's views. We had a whole list of areas to visit which were recommended to us by other people but once we went and had a look around we found that our views on what we would consider an 'ideal' area were totally different to theirs!!

Get yourself a good road map and target the areas which seem close enough to the facilities you are looking for (city, beach, rural, etc). Drive around those areas and visit local real estate agents to get an idea of the house prices. Chat to passers by; people walking dogs etc, and get their views on living in that area. Seeking local knowledge is the key to finding the right (and not so right;)) places to live.


One good thing about doing the reccie was that we were able to visit all the areas we had in mind and discount the ones we didn't like. Now, straight away when we make the final move, we will be able to concentrate on looking for houses in the areas we really liked, and that will save us a heap of time and effort at a time when things will be hectic enough!

All the best.

Karen & Co

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest fittongang

hi alison& hubby we are in shaw at the moment just waiting to sell the house then we will be going to perth we have had our medicals its just waiting now it will be more like 2009 unless a fairy comes along my oh has a job to go to so if you want to keep in touch im happy to with us living in the same area pass on notes anyway you take care andrea,gary,jack,tom,

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