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Living with the creepy crawlies!!!!!

Guest jasonmonika

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Guest jasonmonika


My wife keeps on moaning about spiders, snakes etc etc, could anyone give me a review on life down under living with the creepy crawlies!!!! Is it as bad or not. I am well aware that there is certain creatures but do we live life without having to worry about them. Please could anyone put her mind at rest! because i don't seem to be getting the message across to her.


jason :Rofl:

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Guest guest1337

Hi, tell her not to worry, you hardly ever see the creepy crawlies!!! Personally I've seen 1 redback spider which was living under my bbq! I have however seen a Well i think it was a king brown snake, which is deadly! but that was in the countryside! Your most likely to come across cockroaches, they are everywhere especially in summer, so make sure you spay your house inside and out with insectiside! Also seen a stingray at Trigg whilst surfing, and it was massive!!! Oh and kangeroo's but they tend to be dead on the roadside!!! aaawwwww

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