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Cost of Medicals

Guest KimandGary

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Guest KimandGary

Hi, can anyone tell me roughly what they have paid for their meds? We have just been sent a list of hospitals in South of England, but our local one (a private clinic) is going to cost about £800. Is this normal???????????:eek:

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Guest fittongang

hi kim &gary we have just been to manchester to john st for the 4of us but we are going on a 457long business temp visa so me &oh only had to have a xray the boys had to have a full med &xray and that was just short of 7OO

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Guest KimandGary

Blimey - it looks like thats the normal amount!!! There are 2 adults, one teenager and a 10 year old btw. Will prob just go local then! Wish the immigration was as expensive and rigid for people coming to UK - might not need to move then!!! LOL!

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  • 1 month later...
Blimey - it looks like thats the normal amount!!! There are 2 adults, one teenager and a 10 year old btw. Will prob just go local then! Wish the immigration was as expensive and rigid for people coming to UK - might not need to move then!!! LOL!


Hi Kim


If you go on the Australian Gov Website and look for panel doctors. The list for the South Coast is quite large. I am looking to go to Chichester for medicals: £100 plus 3 blood tests (I am a nurse) £60 plus HIV test £20. OH is medical £100 and HIV test £20. Chest Xrays are £75.00 each.



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Guest Andy Nicholls

Hi there, we went to Caledonia near Gatwick, they pushed the results to Sydney in 4 days, don't forget to get a tracking number for your results, prevents any cock ups on behalf of the Aussies!

Don't know if they have corrected it yet, but the online application for the 457's gave us the wrong info regarding medicals for our kids.

All children have to have a full medical according to Australia house.

There is a reference on the online application regarding entering a school, college etc, which requires a full medical.

The online application told us our eldest son (16) and daughter (11) did not need a medical, but we soon got a quick reminder from diac, and had to take the two kids back for their med.

Found out today from my wifes job sponsor that the visa people were checking correct spelling of our names for the visa, so fingers crossed, won't be long now. this appears to be the final checks along with checking all the med results.

You can check your 457 progress online, although their website appears to be down now, probably due to all the visa apps going in!:rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...
Guest mike1965

Hi Kim and Gary, not sure about the family cost but i was quoted £400 for the lot xrays and blood tests, medical. So i guess the £800 or so isnt far off the mark for a family.

all the best Mike

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