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Happy & hopeful

Guest bex&tal

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Hi to all, i'm bex & looking to move to perth with my son very soon( fingers crossed) Sent in my application on the 9th sep & got an e-mail from my co on the 10th, can't believe how quick it was!!! Am coming on a remaining relative visa as my parents are sponsoring me, they have been in perth for just over 5yrs now. Have been out twice on hols & loved the place, so much to do & everyone i met was really sound. Had to get a stat dec done from my ex so i could bring out our son so if anyone needs advice on that, would be happy to help.

Be happy & hopeful.


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Hi Bex sounds like you are well on your way!

I have been in Perth for 7 months with my 3 yr old daughter-and its great, as you say-so much to see and do. Looking forward to the summer sunshine now. How long do you think it will be before you arrive here?

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Guest michelle
Hi Bex sounds like you are well on your way!

I have been in Perth for 7 months with my 3 yr old daughter-and its great, as you say-so much to see and do. Looking forward to the summer sunshine now. How long do you think it will be before you arrive here?

Hi Suzy,

I am planning to move to perth around may 09. I have a 4yr old and a 2yr old, both girls. Can't wait to move to OZ. Glad to hear that you are loving it. Glad to hear it is still going well. Where abouts do you live? What areas do you think are good areas and good value? Have you made many friends?

Sorry lots of Questions....


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Hi Michelle, im living in shenton park-just west of the CBD, nice suburb in good location, 10 mins walk to kings park and short drive to beach. Have found rent to be quite expensive, slightly cheaper the further out from the CBD you go. Lots of Brits living in joondalup or rockingham area. It has been hard to meet people and make friends especailly as a single parent working full time with no babysitters on hand, but im still trying! So much to do with the kids, parks on every corner (and lovely big ones at that). Have even gone on a couple of camping trips by ourselves!

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Guest michelle
Hi Michelle, im living in shenton park-just west of the CBD, nice suburb in good location, 10 mins walk to kings park and short drive to beach. Have found rent to be quite expensive, slightly cheaper the further out from the CBD you go. Lots of Brits living in joondalup or rockingham area. It has been hard to meet people and make friends especailly as a single parent working full time with no babysitters on hand, but im still trying! So much to do with the kids, parks on every corner (and lovely big ones at that). Have even gone on a couple of camping trips by ourselves!

Thanks for the reply Suzy,

Well, i know it's abit of a way off still (may 09), but i'll be your friend.

I am a nurse, married, have 2 small kids, house proud, good irish sense of humour and very hard working. My husband works for 'Ford' motor company, and he is very layed back, with a sarcastic English sense of humour.

Hopefully if we keep chatting, we can get to know each other alittle better so when we finally meet, we want be strangers!!!!

We have one friend who lives in Perth and another one who is planning on making the move around April 09. We are all of the same age and with children ranging from 7-0 of age.

Chin up,

Chat soon, I hope.

Are you on face book?

Do you have a email address?




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Hi suzy, major probs with computer but o.k now (i hope!) Thanks for your reply, great to hear that your enjoying life in perth. It's a fantastic area, hoping to be there in the next 6 months. We'll be living not far from joondalup, are you close? My parents & friends always get together, kids welcome, for a BBQ & social so makes it easier on us single parents,great laugh aswell. Will have to meet up sometime when we get there.

Have fun, be happy. :)



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Hi Bex, think joondalup is about 35-40 mins away. Be great to catch up once your out here. All the moving plans going well? Bet your parents are pleased you are joining them out here.

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