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wet in warwickshire

Guest bex&tal

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Hi i'm bex & am hoping to move to perth in the next 6 months. I live near warwick & was wondering if there is anyone local in the same boat ( boat being the operative word with the rain we've had lately!!!) I've got an 11yr old son & we're both really excited about going, would be good to share.

Wet but happy.!!!

Bex. :)

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Guest guest1228
Hi i'm bex & am hoping to move to perth in the next 6 months. I live near warwick & was wondering if there is anyone local in the same boat ( boat being the operative word with the rain we've had lately!!!) I've got an 11yr old son & we're both really excited about going, would be good to share.

Wet but happy.!!!

Bex. :)


Hi Bex,

Sorry I'm not near Warwick but I am going to Perth in Jan next year. We have an 11 yr old girl and a 2 yr old boy and we're just looking at areas and schools at the minute. I'm a nurse and have a job at the Royal Perth. What do you do?

Hope to hear from you x

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Hi fiona, thanks for your reply. Bet your excited about the move? How do your kids feel about it? My lad is really happy that we might be going but also a little nervous! I'm a PA and housekeeper at the mo but want to get back to working with animals again. My parents have lived in perth for 5yrs now and they are sponsoring us so we fortunately don't have to go through the long process of a skilled works visa. I admire people who do as it must be so frustrating at times. My mum went over as a nurse so if you have any questions i'm sure she'll be happy to help. Where abouts in perth are you going to live? We will be near joondalup if all goes well.

Hopefully hear from you soon.


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