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Back in the land of the LIVING

Guest jules

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:) Hi everyone


Well, it's been along time since i've been on the site.........but we're back!! Arrived in PERTH & our hols home on 15/07 for 6wks, then into our 'fabulous 5bed + pool' in Woodvale, where we've just been connected back online...:eek:


Hubby's enjoying his job!!! Kids all enjoying there Primary School...& me just hanging on in there for the birth of our baby (within next 4/5wks). We are enjoying living in Perth....it's a wonderful place.


We don't ever let the grass grow under our feet & after being in Woodvale for afew weeks we've been looking to 'buy' our own home!! Fortunatly, with a BIG stroke of Good Luck & community advise aswell as professional guidence, we did put an offer in on a 4bed home just 2mins away from where we're currently renting & have now had our offer accepted!! ;)


So, this clearly means that not only a 'new arrival' is immenant....but also a new move at probably around the same time is just around the corner. BRAVE or STUPID.....or I rekon 'both' we all are.


Anyway just wanted you all to know i'm back!! Please feel free too contact me about anything, I'd love too meet up with anyone in or around Woodvale.



Jules :rolleyes:

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Guest guest1337
:) Hi everyone


Well, it's been along time since i've been on the site.........but we're back!! Arrived in PERTH & our hols home on 15/07 for 6wks, then into our 'fabulous 5bed + pool' in Woodvale, where we've just been connected back online...:eek:


Hubby's enjoying his job!!! Kids all enjoying there Primary School...& me just hanging on in there for the birth of our baby (within next 4/5wks). We are enjoying living in Perth....it's a wonderful place.


We don't ever let the grass grow under our feet & after being in Woodvale for afew weeks we've been looking to 'buy' our own home!! Fortunatly, with a BIG stroke of Good Luck & community advise aswell as professional guidence, we did put an offer in on a 4bed home just 2mins away from where we're currently renting & have now had our offer accepted!! ;)


So, this clearly means that not only a 'new arrival' is immenant....but also a new move at probably around the same time is just around the corner. BRAVE or STUPID.....or I rekon 'both' we all are.


Anyway just wanted you all to know i'm back!! Please feel free too contact me about anything, I'd love too meet up with anyone in or around Woodvale.



Jules :rolleyes:

Hi!! Wanted to wish you good luck in the purchase of your new house, we have just bought in Clarkson, so know the feeling well!!! Hope it all goes through with no problems. We have been in Perth for 16 months now and are loving too!!!

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Hi Andy & Stacey


Thanks kindly for your Good Luck reply.....


Glad you too are enjoying living down under. Clarkson's not too far from Woodvale. Maybe we could meetup sometime.




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  • 1 month later...
Guest pdqkwaker



Glad to hear your good news. hope everything goes well with the move and the new arrival to your family.

I'm writing from the UK but we will be joining you all next january. We'll be settling in Bentley. We've been to Perth a couple of times on holiday and to visit family. We decided to make the plung and move there earlier this year.

So looking forward to moving out there. I'll keep my eye out and hope to keep in touch when we're there.




Sue and Gary:D

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